I grew Copra onions this year, and I have to say, the harvest was huge and beautiful! They're in the garage in a basket, I think I got a full bushel full! Really nice cooking onion, I think it's a keeper.
Steve, is Dixondale Farm geared to your area of the country?
ETA oh, wow, google is...
Since I grew up Christian and respect traditions of many, I celebrate the season with my still Christian family, I enjoy Christmas decorations, too. Yule is my seasonal celebration, the return of the light, all of it makes me think of my father, who is gone, how much he enjoyed the season and...
This is a first for this forum, I believe, having to close a thread due to nastiness and bickering. People on both sides of this issue need to think before posting. If you can't say anything nice, it's best to not say anything at all.
A new thread devoted to Christmas decorations may be...
It is Lobelia cardinalis, a beautiful native wildflower around here that's been driven out by the invasive purple loosestrife. Thankfully it seems the little beetle they released to help control the loosestrife is starting to have an effect.
Natalie, you're so sweet! Actually I'm all set, I'm pretty much back to gardening speed, and I'm picking away at it daily. If my cardoon makes it over the winter there should be a division I could cut away and give to you!
HiDelight, I hope you feel better soon!! :hugs
Natalie, I didn't see any around here for sale this past summer, but I did find one when I was traveling with Mom, I think we bought it in New York. I'm wondering if it'll make it over the winter. It's huge! I should go out there are tie part up...
I doubt it. Chat is very difficult to follow, and only a certain subset of members end up spending much time on it. I never go up onto the BYC chat and won't use it here, either, but that's just me.
Well, it takes seven to eight pounds of honey to build one frame of wax, for me, that's too high a price to pay. I prefer to keep my drawn comb to give them next spring. Of course I'm in it for the honey and the pollination for my garden, not just enjoyment :)
We need one a week, so I'll cycle through these but please don't forget about this thread for the future! Remember we'd like to keep it seasonal, also.
Image Sizes: (again, borrowed from BYC, thanx, Nifty!)
Everyone's pictures posted in the forum should be max of 800 pixels wide. Even if the forum resizes pictures, it only changes the display size, the file size remains the same... basically slowing down the forum for people with dialup.
A Quick Update: How To Add An Avatar (copied from BYC, thanx, Nifty!):
An avatar is the small picture under your userID. Here is how you can add one to your profile:
1) Make sure you are logged in
2) Click the "Profile" link in the top menu
3) In your Profile click "Personality"
4) Make...
How to use Photobucket to Post Pictures (copied from BYC - thanx Eggchel!)
1. Sign up for a free Photobucket account: http://photobucket.com/register.php?link=register_now
2. Find the Uploading panel, it looks like this (except with your name, not mine, lol) :
3. Enter the image...
To Post Photos On TEG Forum (copied from BYC - thanx, Nifty!):
The easiest way to display your coop, chickens, and other fun pictures on TEG is to use the BYC Image Upload Tool . Here are the steps:
1) Click on the "Uploads " link at the very top of every page (in the blue menu bar).
Your soil has better drainage than you know, if this is the case. Really, if I grew it in a bog it would die in no time. You've got a good climate there for growing, for sure, but I wouldn't suggest anyone else try growing it in wet, heavy soil.
I've got them in my garden, I'll take a photo later. They aren't the best looking plants and have a rather odd growth pattern, but the flowers are absolutely divine!
The other plus to planting near a foundation is the soil will be sweeter there - the lime leaches out of the concrete (provided you have a concrete foundation).