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  1. Kassaundra

    What Color

    I always think of bronze starting out a darker brownish color patinaing to very dark brown / black. And copper starting out as ............. well ................... coppery red patinaing to the greens / blues w/ only small amounts of the darker (blackish) areas.
  2. Kassaundra

    What Color

    I do like a well done patina (copper is one I like better then others). The fountain looks old I think a fresh coat of "modern" pristine paint would take it to a whole new place, that could work if you went all in w/ it and ran w/ it. But if your trying for an old world secret garden type feel...
  3. Kassaundra

    What Color

    If you put a fresh coat of paint it will no longer look old. I think I'd do a metallic paint w/ a patina agent, like copper that has a patina acid (or whatever they use for that).
  4. Kassaundra

    Would You Put This Fountain In Front Yard ?

    I know I was making a point about how not all nudes are the same. If my neighbors put the water fountain in question in their front yard right across the street from me (or next door) I wouldn't give it two thoughts. I wouldn't suddenly think they are pedophiles or twisted or anything else...
  5. Kassaundra

    Would You Put This Fountain In Front Yard ?

    I do not believe "a nude is a nude". There is nothing innately vulgar about the human body. It is an amazingly designed vessel well suited for it's purpose. Vulgar comes from intent. A grandmother's prized photo of her grandbaby lying nude on a fur rug butt cheeks shining, or a pregnant...
  6. Kassaundra

    Would You Put This Fountain In Front Yard ?

    Since it is a Madonna they only reason I can think of for being on a snake would be when God says the woman's seed would bruise the serpent in the head, and the serpent would bruise the woman's seed in the heel, but that is a complete guess.
  7. Kassaundra

    Would You Put This Fountain In Front Yard ?

    I don't think it is vulgar. It isn't my style and so I wouldn't put it in my yard. It is a classic style I don't see how anyone could object that is it too vulgar?
  8. Kassaundra


    I saw it on a garden show a few years ago. I always get poor pepper production, just one or two peppers per plant, small and weak. So I thought what do I have to lose a few years back and gave it a try, it was amazing the difference it made. Much stronger, healthier plants, much more production.
  9. Kassaundra


    He may actually be doing you a favor. Pepper plants do better, produce more when they are trimmed by 1/3 to 1/2 when first transplanted outside.
  10. Kassaundra

    Happiness is Not Being Here!

    Yes all the storms have missed me this year so far. We got LOTS of rain, but live on top of a hill so if we ever flooded it would be on national news (a really big hill all the rest of Henryetta would be under 100 foot or so of water. Several close towns including the one I work in were hit by...
  11. Kassaundra

    I'm back

    Welcome back
  12. Kassaundra

    Gerber and African Daisies

    Has anyone in zone 7 or smaller had any success w/ either gerber or african daisies self sowing?
  13. Kassaundra

    Roots How Far Have You Moved From Your Birthplace ?

    Well that is kinda complicated for me. I was born in CT so I now live about 1500 miles from there. I wasn't "raised" there, though I did live off and on a few times. I was raised traveling, before high school I had lived in 36 states been in 48. If you added all my childhood time together I...
  14. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    I think dahlia's are beautiful, but I don't like having to lift and store them.
  15. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    These little wild 4 oclocks may be invasive but they won't be able to get to far out of hand where they are, there is no where for them to go that isn't mowed regularly. And they are in the same bed as my black / blue salvia so they are going to have to compete w/ just as vigorous a plant.
  16. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    Smart man! lol
  17. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    The leaves aren't the same and they aren't in Oklahoma according to that map.
  18. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    The article mentioned they were pretty invasive.
  19. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    My regular 4 oclocks are too, but these are wild ones. Like this
  20. Kassaundra

    Out of the loop, lol

    I can't remember, but I will definately pay attention this year.