ok, so I started a couple of compost bins in two of those rubbermaid containers. I put holes in the bottom and sides, but obviously not enough. I left the lids off and it rained hard, so now I have stinky compost stew. :sick Not pretty. I've been trying for days to shove as much absorbent...
Do y'all have any suggestions where to find a cheap safe barrell? I've been using 5 gallon buckets, which is better than nothing, but I would like to be able to get more water, I'm just on a limited budget.
The size really depends on what you want to plant. I am not a good planner, I just kinda change things as I go along. Y'all decide what you want to plant and then look at the suggested spacing for them and go from there.
I was thinking about using a sheet too, but couldn't figure out how to keep the pressure off the babies. Thanks for the great ideas.
I'm so glad I joined the forum!! :clap
I do have a bunch of empty milk jugs. I'll try to protect them with those. I'm hoping that since it will only be NEAR freezing that everything will be ok...
Thanks for the advice!
They are calling for near freezing temps tonight and tomorrow night. :hit I'm so sad, I had little sprouts already. O well, I guess I will be re-seeding in a couple of weeks. I was just too impatient to wait any longer.
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been reading a lot about gardening on here, but haven't posted anything yet, so here it is... This is the first year I am serious about gardening. My garden is about 23' x 27', I've got clay soil, which I think will actually be to my benefit as far as...