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  1. D

    How old are the seeds you just bought?

    This was a real eye opener for me...Siskiyou Seeds just put this video up on youtube.... there is a part where he explains how seed sellers can lawfully label 6 year old seeds "packed for 2023"... this explains why sometimes germination rates on my purchased seeds drop off quickly after I hold...
  2. D

    hello from upstate N.Y,

    you asked for it LOL..the majority of what I grow are pole beans, I have cattle panels set up about 3 feet apart with chicken wire attached between them..this extends my row..I only grow 2 varieties of bush beans a year, I was told by someone years ago to interplant bush beans with potatoes and...
  3. D

    A Seed Saver's Garden

    I grew it last year. They are very slow to grow, doing not much till it's good and hot out. Then they take off and make up for lost time. The flowers are lovely. Reviews on the BC site say the seeds are hard to germinate, I soaked 2 overnight and planted and they both germinated..just my...
  4. D

    hello from upstate N.Y,

    I've been to that site many times! I did order a few beans from him a few years ago. I have my beans on a 3 year rotation so that I can grow more I guess I've already crossed over to the dark side !
  5. D

    hello from upstate N.Y, true about planning for next spring...highlight of my winter is starting seed, gets me through the cold weather!
  6. D

    hello from upstate N.Y,

    New here, but not new to gardening. I've been growing vegetables for 30 years, I love to learn from other gardeners. I grow organic, so I have some challenges with insects, and many critters over the years. Looking forward to 23 growing season.