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  1. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    I am with you on that, but I have to live with people. and they are pretty good people, so we let things slide.
  2. greengenes

    Can i plant pop corn near eating corn?

    .. barbed wire or razor wire? I have three rows of string above the groundcloth visual barrier, to keep the clever chicken out, but now that she knows what is in there... Re-reading all of this...I might be better of just going to the farmer's market each Friday. But as my son always says about...
  3. greengenes

    Can i plant pop corn near eating corn?

    I think all problems relating to corn are appropriate. We will need the information eventually. There were crows watching me plant my corn and beans... I expected to come back to nothing. I did buy a huge case of Irish spring soap to chop up and put into the vole trench that I dug all...
  4. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    It has to be above 84 for me to even think about allowing them to turn on air conditioning. I guess it is what you are used to. It is 66 here now, and I am cold. My son wants to go to college up north. I hope he can handle the cold. He doesn't even wear a jacket down here. Young metabolisms...
  5. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    Florida starts at the base of Georgia and goes alllllllll the way down to Cuba... just about, it is an easy seven hundred miles. That is not even counting the panhandle. From sand to swamps, we have it all. alligators. we have them EVERYWHERE!
  6. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    come on down. I had the best gardens in south Florida, They have muck that can grow anything. You have a garden from September through may, then you don't bother, you go to the beach. But the trick is finding a yard big enough for a garden and the mango trees, and might as well have an avocado...
  7. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    I have nice dark soil for the first foot then it is yellow sand. There are patches of sugar sand around and about, but you can usually tell where it is by the trees that are growing there. Hardwoods have nice soil, scrubs have white sugar sand. And the pinewood flat lands have dark soil with...
  8. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    Oh gee, sorry. I am so far behind, by the time you all thaw It will be too hot for me to grow anything. Garden #1 is about 30'x40' and garden #2 is about 35'x50'. I know, and I ran out of room. How does that happen? :idunno This is all good fun stuff until it all comes in on the same day and I...
  9. greengenes

    Got the garden all planted....

    ...and then I found another batch of seeds.:th AHHHHHHHH! no room for the golden beans, and I need them for the three bean salad! I wonder what hubby will say when I tell him that I need more tilling done? ...and if he is going to break more ground just for beans... I might as well go get more...
  10. greengenes

    Unexpected Popcorn

    and it is tender. pop it with coconut oil and it is fabulous,
  11. greengenes

    Unexpected Popcorn

    Mine is called "mimi colored popcorn'. i got it from Pinetree garden seeds. The small white pop corn was delicious, small but very flavorful. I can not find it anymore, and can not remember the name. )Which makes finding it even harder.)
  12. greengenes

    Can i plant pop corn near eating corn?

    Yes. It affects flavor. The books say plant sweet with sweet and non sweet with non sweet. The luffa watermelon looked just like water melon but was very tough with thick fibers. Chicken food...but they had a difficult time with it. It is 'mini colored popping corn' I wanted some for decoration...
  13. greengenes

    Can i plant pop corn near eating corn?

    I think the cucumber watermelon cross is a legitimate thing, and I have had luffa and watermelon give me tough watermelon. I have never understood how the pollen can affect the ovary, but it does. I think I will do bantam in the spring, and pop corn in the fall. My problem is I do not get two...
  14. greengenes

    Can i plant pop corn near eating corn?

    I know one should not mix sweet melons with gourds and squash, and that yellow corn pollen with make your white corn kernels yellow... but will my tough kernel pop corn make my soft bantam corn tough, or my pop corn integument soft? :hu thanks in advance. I am so far behind I think I am getting...
  15. greengenes

    1St Day of Spring

    So, Steve. 12 months of gardening a year, hummm? Interesting... I would like to just be rich enough to just point at what I want and do my best John Luke Piccard imitation. "Make it so."
  16. greengenes

    Moles. Grrrr. Other than blasting the ground with a semiautomatic weapon...

    Just watched 'the smarter everyday Dragon's breath' video. We will keep these a secret from my husband. okay? Some things in life he really should not know about.
  17. greengenes

    Moles. Grrrr. Other than blasting the ground with a semiautomatic weapon...

    avoid-er-er. a person who avoids things. I am making words up as I go along, aren't I?
  18. greengenes

    Moles. Grrrr. Other than blasting the ground with a semiautomatic weapon...

    I know people love cats. And I even love some people who love cats... I have even met a cat I liked because it thought it was a dog, but in general, I'd rather just wage war on rodents than have a cat. I'm not a hater, just an avoid-er.
  19. greengenes

    Moles. Grrrr. Other than blasting the ground with a semiautomatic weapon...

    :( I am starting to feel badly for the little things. Maybe I just need to seed the tunnels with vole birth control and let them die out.
  20. greengenes

    Moles. Grrrr. Other than blasting the ground with a semiautomatic weapon...

    For the little GI joe guys? wouldn't they melt from the backflash?