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  1. Redd Tornado

    Beez pleezz

    My Step father is starting bee keeping. What do you plant for your bees? From gardening I have noticed the bees love my thyme, borage, organo and of course melissa. I'd like to give him some herbs for his bees.
  2. Redd Tornado

    Tomatoes have black on the bottom

    2 yrs ago I started adding crushed oyster shell - I had some bc of the chickens - into the bed with compost and multch to prep the bed. That helped my heavy clay, depleted soil. I plant Amish paste Roma's which seem to do well in temps between 65 and 85. It likes 70 to 83 degrees best. Maybe...
  3. Redd Tornado

    Solving the Squash Bug dilemma...for good!

    @Beekissed what is vet wrap? And zinnias attract Japanese needle???? (Asks the girl that didn't know Mac and cheese was fattening until she was 27. Really)
  4. Redd Tornado

    Solving the Squash Bug dilemma...for good!

    SVB is the Bain of my garden existence. Sorry this is a long post, but this year I tried a 4 step approach. First, I started the seedlings early. To get ahead of THEM. I have a high tunnel and live in the deep South. So early is January. I up potted as needed. Second, I put my babies in raised...
  5. Redd Tornado

    Hello from the Mini Farm

    My garden is done - sort of - until August. It's just too hot for plants to set fruit. I expect the temps to be between 90 and 100 through July and into August. So I will not want to be out there either. I have been canning roma tomatoes with garlic, basil and oregano, in small batches. I...
  6. Redd Tornado

    I am secretly a hobbit, but I shave my feet so no one notices. :D

    I am secretly a hobbit, but I shave my feet so no one notices. :D
  7. Redd Tornado

    Hello from the Mini Farm

    I am growing in zone 8a!