The grey aphids are having a field day with my Brussels, cabbage, and Kale. I Can't use pesticides because the Food Hub (Farmer's Market Store that we sell our excess to) won't buy from a farm that uses them. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them now that they are here, and preventing them...
it's nice to hear others have their tricky ones! It kills me when I research what to do, and my plants wither and die. Some folks are born with a natural green thumb, I'm a recovering herbicidal maniac. It seemed like every plant I touched for years would die! So I am slowly learning, and...
I am a transplant from New England, and against all odds I am turning my little patch of desert into a pretty nice little farm! I am starting a small fruit orchard, and growing 50% of our veggies. We just finished a greenhouse, so I have a lot to learn about growing in there. I have the...