We are blessed to have mild weather into December.. I still have some greens chugging along inside my unheated GH. Nero Di Toscano, Red Russian Kale and Swiss Chard.. I have four Lemon Grass plants still going strong, although, we had a few nights dip down into the high twenties, so the outer...
Lucky, the tomatoes in the second picture are Madame (Marmande) Garnier Rouge. It is a beautiful, red, fluted/ribbed large tomato. The fruit has a perfect balance of flavors, meaty and a bit juicy, productive, and the fruit set early and kept on going all summer into fall. I had over 60 tomatoes...
Sorry I did not come back to this thread sooner, but, thank you for your nice comments everyone. I have a lot, and I mean a lot of tomato pictures from the 2015 garden. My computer has been running slow and I have had a hard time uploading photos. My allotted high speed time has ended for this...
Mmmm... Your soup looks and sounds amazing Steve. Cant wait to see what you come up with next. I am a big soup lover and will throw just about anything available fresh from the garden in the pot.. I have some red/orange lentils soaking for overnight, and will decide as I am cooking it tomorrow...
Baymule.. Congrats on your Be-Ewe-Tiful sheep! I can feel your excitement and am so happy for you! :celebrateIt will take some time for them to get used to you and their new home, but go out in the barn and pen as often as you can and talk to them. Put a few treats in a small bucket, like cut up...
Phila, How beautiful are those!!?? Wow! The purple is stunning. Great job and thank you for sharing pictures. I might try some purples next season.. I still have lot's to learn. I planted Beauregard this year, my first time growing sweet potatoes. They were small potatoes , but at least they...
We had hail and strong winds yesterday. Also had a chance of heavy frost, so I picked some celery really quick to bring in and store in the fridge. You can see the different size in the stalks. No problem for me as I use them up anyway regardless.
[/ATTACH] This is my second year growing celery, and it is definitely worth it to me. I grew out Tall Utah Celery, and Chinese Celery, from seed that I started in late winter. I planted the seedlings out in the early spring, in well composted raised beds. I planted each seedling about a foot...
Hi secuono. You can cook up the green potatoes to help take some of the solanine out of them and feed them to your pigs. A little here and there wont hurt them, but just make sure you don't give it to them frequently.
Thank you. I get great joy in giving away plants and fruits to those that appreciate them. I had a hard time this year, as my best gardening buddy and friend passed away last summer. She was a lovely older lady, who had a generous soul. She and her husband had the most amazing gardens and flower...
Pantano Romanesco is a great tomato. One of my favorites. I skipped it this year because I had a lot of new varieties to try. It might be back next season.
Marshall's cross sounds interesting. I would love to see a picture and hear about the flavor, and of the fruit.
I tried to grow Marianna's...
Baymule, Vernalization is a plants ability to flower in the spring by being exposed to the cold period of winter. Some plants that are grown in temperate climates require this in order to set bloom. Artichokes require vernalization to initiate the flowering process. Since they need a long...
I was exhausted by mid/late summer. With all the seed starting, transplanting, watering, weeding, picking, seed saving/ fermenting and canning and processing etc.. I am cutting way back next season. I love it, but the older I get the harder it is, and the less enjoyable it gets. I also grow...
My tomato season ended a few weeks back. I had a great tomato year and I grew out many, many heirloom varieties and had a couple hybrids. This is my second year growing Big Beef and while last year was a flop, this year they did pretty well. Production was good, but not as good as some of my...
I have two heirloom Rouge D' Alger Cardoon plants growing that I started from seed in late winter, probably about three months before setting them out. I planted them in the garden in rich soil amended with lots of rotted compost and manure. The plants have grown tremendously and expands in...