I finally got a new lawnmower that has a bagging attachment. The previous one only mulched the clippings, which was great for the grass, but not for my compost pile. Now, I can get that grass for the compost pile.
But I have questions: How do you handle the grass clippings? Are they dried first...
My Black Jack figs are not really that sweet, although this year it could be because we've had a lot of rain. I remember them being sweeter last year. My little tree is only 3 years old. I purchased this variety since it supposed to be genetically smaller. I had no idea the figs would be so...
I live in the middle of New Orleans, and have chickens and a large veggie garden with lots of fruit trees. I've had friends turn down my fresh eggs, since they came out of the chickens' buts and not from a carton! Others couldn't understand why I want to grow veggies when I can just buy them...
I have a Black Jack fig tree that also produces enormous figs!!
Since it's still a young tree, I only get 3-4 ripe figs a day. I give them a washing, quarter them, put them in a zip lock bag & throw them in the freezer. When I have enough, I make the fig jam as my mother taught me, and her...
I'm in New Orleans, and our winters are pretty mild. We might get an overnight frost in December, but it usually isn't until January. And then it's only for a day or so. This week, I started my green pepper, jalapeno & habanero seeds. The spring tomatoes, both slicing & paste, are about to be...
Hoodat, Thanks for the reply. This confirms what my web-research discovered. I can find a lot of recipes for marmalade and juice-jelly, but nothing for a jam that contains orange segments. I wrote to the home-ec department of our State Ag center, and here's what she said:
The jam would have to...
I have quite a few satsuma trees and have been looking for recipes to can them as either a jam or a preserve. I came across this recipe on the Sunkist website and it sounds like what I've been looking for. However, there are no instructions for water bath or pressure canning, it only says to...
Be careful storing garlic in oil. Garlic is a very low acid veggie which leaves it open to botulism. All the resources I've read say be sure to keep it refrigerated & keep no longer than 3 weeks. I've been running my garlic through the food processor, chopping it finely & then freezing it flat...
I was reading this post to my DH and he asked an interesting question: How long will raw honey last in a jar, stored in a cool, dark location? Is there any special way I should store it? I've bought the honey in glass quart jars and recently in sealed gallon plastic jugs, like a milk jug. I...
I recently "discovered" fresh, raw honey! Someone had an ad on craigslist for raw honey at $10 a quart. I bought one, and I couldn't believe the difference! I think the quart lasted about a week and just had to have more. I don't think I'll ever go back to store-bought honey again.
What a great idea!! My zucchini and yellow squash are coming into full production & this looks delicious! I'll give this a try this week!
You seem to be the kind of cook I am: If something sounds like a good combination, give it a try. My only problem is that if I come up with a winning recipe...
I was just searching this forum to find Louisiana, and finally found this thread. I'm in New Orleans, in the middle of the city, and have both chickens & a garden. My garden consists of 4 4x8 raised beds, 3 2x12 raised beds, 7 earth boxes and several fruit trees. It's amazing how much you can...
joz, Your toms are looking really, really good. What's your secret for growing heirlooms in New Orleans? Every time I've tried them, the various diseases get to them first. But yours are looking so nice & healthy!
Hello from a fellow New Orleanian!! I live in the Gentilly area, and in February closed on "The Lot Next Door" program. Well, actually 1/2 of the lot - the neighbor on the other side also got 1/2. So I've got a 20'x100' area. For New Orleans, that's HUGE!! So far, I've put in 4 raised beds...
I'm glad you brought this up. I always put on music when I'm doing major house cleaning. Now I guess I'll have to bring the ipod & speakers into the garden when I'm working there!
I'm going to start some canning this year, mostly tomatoes & blackberries to start. I've picked out my canner, an All American 921 21-1/2-Quart. Now I'm looking at strainers/food mills. So far, I've come up with 2 basic types: A food strainer, such as...