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  1. jomoncon


    I would, love, love, love to grow asparagus. But I've heard both that it can / cannot grow this far south. Does anyone have any experience with growing asparagus in the hot, humid south?
  2. jomoncon

    What kinds of sunflower seeds can you eat?

    I planted sunflowers this year, but not for me to eat, but for my chickens! I have chickens that just love Black Oil Sunflower seeds. Since a bag of these can be quite expensive, I bought regular bird seed that had some sunflowers in it, picked out the Black Oil Sunflower seeds, and planted a...
  3. jomoncon

    Chicken manure

    Can you compost the manure by itself, just put it all in a pile for 90-120 days? Or does it have to be mixed with browns? I have lots of chicken poop, and few browns.
  4. jomoncon


    Although I'm a Little further south than you are, I also want some blackberries! I have the perfect spot picked out for them & am gathering up all the info I can find. I plan on getting an erect thornless type, but haven't decided which one yet. I so miss the blackberry pies & cobbles from my...
  5. jomoncon

    Paths in raised bed gardens?

    I've been asking myself the same question: what to use between my raised beds. I've tried growing grass between beds, but the grass always finds its way into the boxes. I've tried mulch - still have weeds. I've even tried strips on carpet. Eventually dirt collects on them & I get weeds. Weed...
  6. jomoncon

    Fall Tomato Question

    Here in New Orleans, we can get a bumper crop of fall tomatoes if we plant around August-September. This year because of illness, I didn't get my tomatoes planted until October, which really is kind of late. Right now, I have lots of tomatoes waiting to get ripe. December 11 is supposedly our...
  7. jomoncon

    can you collect figs to make jam?

    I am going though the exact same thing right now. I have a 2 year old Black jack fig, that produces HUGE, delicious figs. The only problem is that I'm only getting 2-3 a day. A really want to make some fig preserves, and while researching that, I came across a site that told how to freeze...
  8. jomoncon

    Giant Figs!!

    I've only had this tree a little over a year, so I don't know about a 2nd crop. Right now, there are a lot of unripe figs still, but they seem to be ripening only one or 2 at a time. A branch might have one ripe fig and 10 smaller, still-developing figs. This is good if you want to eat all of...
  9. jomoncon

    Giant Figs!!

    Right now, we're just eating them as they become ripe. I'm not getting enough at one time to process them. But I just read a publication put out by the LA Extension service that gave instructions for freezing the figs until you have enough for canning. I really want to make some fig preserves.
  10. jomoncon

    Giant Figs!!

    Spring of last year, I purchased a Black Jack fig through mail order. It was advertised as being a naturally small fig plant, and that's what I wanted. Celeste & Brown Turkey are the typical varieties in the New Orleans area, but they can get to be really large trees. Well, this Black Jack has...
  11. jomoncon

    2011 Fall Planting Schedule

    Oh, Thanks so very much. This chart is exact;y what I need. Living in New Orleans, the frost dates a significantly different from the rest of the country. I have a chart from my local Ag center, but this calendar with shot it to me much more graphically. Now, If I can just find the time to...
  12. jomoncon

    mandolin cutters/slicers

    I also have a v-slicer and I love it. I think I'm on my 3rd one - that's cause ex-hubby insisted on putting it in the dishwasher. It makes quick work of slicing or dicing onions. Also use it for slicing potatoes real thin for almost potato chip fries. Always use the holder when slicing.
  13. jomoncon

    New to Composting - Lots of questions

    I'm pretty new to composting & seem to be confused about some things. I recently got 8 chickens & with all their poop, realized that I should compost it for use in my gardens. Since I don't have any trees, I've picked up about 20 bags of leaves from my neighbors. So I have chicken poop, leaves...
  14. jomoncon

    garden direction?

    Thanks for asking the question & for all the great answers. I'm planning for several raised beds & was sort of confused as to which way to run them. Now, it'll be North to South!