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  1. RickF

    Difficult soil.. prep?

    Hi all... I'm in the high desert of California (northern LA county) and once I dig below about 6-8" of what I assume the home builder put in place 30+ years ago, I hit really hard "soil" -- I use that term loosely. I think its probably clay primarily. Eventually this area where I'm digging...
  2. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Ok.. Here's the pics I promised. Since these pics were taken I've laid out some partially composted straw bale material all around the lumps of earthiness that is seen in the pics.. Eventually there will be wood chips but I've got to wait for them to arrive from a local tree company. Enjoy!
  3. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Thanks all.. I did plant the berries this afternoon -- I had two partially composted straw bales that I put around the mounds of prep'd soil I made from a mix of Kellog's Amend, Peat Moss with added soil acidifier and a bit of aforementioned ammonium sulfate.. I'll post pics tomorrow if I...
  4. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    That tree will eventually be removed -- it's a sycamore -- which for whatever reason are super common out here. They drop their dingle-balls all over the ground which makes a bigger mess than the leaves. lol. I've got a bunch of trees that need to be removed. I think this small ~5500SF...
  5. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    ok.. just wanted to post a few pics of my area and what I'm doing to it.. I dug out about a pickup truck bed full of dirt from the aforementioned planter. The planter had more dirt towards the center and it gently sloped down as it reached the edges of the concrete. This is in my front yard...
  6. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Thanks.. Just got home and checked in my garage and I've just got a nice big sack of ammonium sulfate (~20lb) ready to go.. Thoughts on how much to apply? Yes, I'll be transplanting the blue's real soon. I've got 6CF of Amend to apply to the holes I dig -- double-wide/deep is my plan as the...
  7. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Thanks for that link.. Never heard of them, but they're bookmarked for now for reference. Thanks!!
  8. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Perhaps.. All of my blue's are in a state of being nursed back to health. We had a VERY (for here) cold night -- at about 26F and I lost a few plants -- one was a bell pepper that decided to make a duration run of its life -- it was just now getting to putting out a few peppers. I also lost a...
  9. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    I'm not sure I'd attribute it to will power... only by the grace of God that I've got this far. I've changed my eating habits and continue to do so.. I'm trying my best to ditch refined sugars and even trying to stick with gluten free stuff. 3 years ago I was just about 300lb.. Now I'm 220...
  10. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Well.. Not 'that' south.. Was born and raised in the LA area (So-Cal). I've also lost a pile of weight with only 25 more to go -- I've not been this light in at least 30 years. I used to get odd looks when traveling to visit my folks in Oregon.. I'd stop for gas in Albany Oregon at 2-3AM in...
  11. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Thanks Seedcorn.. I would go out and check but its FREEZING cold outside right now (it's a bit past 5am here and it's 32F - brrr). I'll check after the sun is up and a bit warmer..
  12. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    Thanks.. I do have both liquid general fertilizer but also have some azalea fertilizer if I recall.. I need to install some automated watering system. I do have a brand-new sprinkler system setup that I can tap into for drip which is the preferred way here. Had to shut-off the water just a bit...
  13. RickF

    Made some candied yams```

    You might also consider coconut sugar which is refined WAAAAY less than either white sugar or brown which have virtually zero nutritional value.. This is something I've been working on for a bit now..
  14. RickF

    Blueberry plant question...

    I planted a blueberry a number of months ago and unfortunately I think I forgot to water it in the heat of the summer. I'm in the northern Los Angeles county high desert area and it gets kinda hot here from time to time -- I think 107f was about the highest I'm aware of. Anyway, I thought I...
  15. RickF

    Anyone hear anything from Hoodat?

    I've been away for a handful of years but I always enjoyed his wisdom -- I saw he was last on back in August after having a stroke.. It's been almost 4 months since he was last on.. Just curious if anyone knew how he's doing.. Thanks all...
  16. RickF

    What are these bugs on my gooseberry?

    I mixed a solution of Tabasco (2tbsp), a few drops of detergent and a quart of water.. I sprayed it on tonight and man did those bugs run for the hills.. We'll see how things are tomorrow... The sprayer kept clogging probably cuz the pepper sauce had some minor chunks I guess .. Ps the spiny...
  17. RickF

    What are these bugs on my gooseberry?

    I think I'll try to treat them as aphids.. I'm assuming the leaf hoppers are there cuz the aphids (or whatever they are) are present...
  18. RickF

    What are these bugs on my gooseberry?

    I wasn't sure if those were aphids or not.. They're kinda shiny and pokey
  19. RickF

    What are these bugs on my gooseberry?

    They're on many branches and slowly killing them The green triangle bugs are recent visitors .. The originals were the non flying crawlers
  20. RickF

    Weed ident..

    Thanks Steve for the heads up!! I might have to lookout for some of that!!