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  1. RickF

    Regrowing Celery From Grocery Store Stock

    I wonder if you could cut the bottom stalk (base?) in half vertically speaking and get two going.. I might have to try that -- possibly two for the price of one..
  2. RickF

    Tumble dryer compost bin???

    I made a end-to-end tumbler style composter a while back (out of one of those large 50g food-safe plastic drums) and while it technically does what it's supposed to do, I've never been able to get any compost out of it because it's too dry.. I've actually had this problem with most of my bins --...
  3. RickF

    Mulch questions

    In this case I know there's no chemicals used as I'm the one taking care of that lawn.. :D There's not been any pesticides used for multiple years (>5 or perhaps even 10).. But it is a good idea to point that out as others in similar situations may need to dig into that issue to be sure.
  4. RickF

    Mulch questions

    Thanks for the suggestions. Our yard does not have enough good grass to work in this endeavor but we do have access to a property that is mowed monthly and has an entire large (machine lifted) trash can that is full every time, that I could get the clippings from.. I'm not sure I'll try the...
  5. RickF

    Mulch questions

    cool.. I'll check with a few places nearby that we get chicken supplies from.. Unfortunately we're in the 'big' city (LA) so not so many places offer bales of straw/hay..
  6. RickF

    Bad weather coming

    Aint weather fun?!? That's the storm that was up in Oregon last week -- my mom, on the Coast in Newport OR said the BEACH (pacific ocean) got 6" of SNOW!!! That'd be cool to see.. We got lots of rain here in the LA area and high winds! Hope all is well!
  7. RickF

    Mulch questions

    If I get a bale of 'hay' (that's my term) from a local AG place that sells it for feeding horses, do I need to ask for a particular type to ensure a weed-seed free experience or ?? I'd hate to buy one only to find it's sprouting weeds like crazy after a month.. Thx!
  8. RickF

    Confused about garlic

    I've recently (about 2-3 weeks ago) started red spanish garlic (hard neck) in a hydroponics setup in the house and these guys are already close to a foot tall.. Since it took me close to 6 months to get these garlic I'm going to ensure I've got sufficient quantity to perpetuate them as we move...
  9. RickF

    Weed torch

    My $0.02 worth on the topic.. I've got a cheapie that I got a few years back from the local harbor freight store for perhaps $20.. It works fine and had a built-in piezo lighter which no longer works and so I just use a match. Ours has been beaten up as it sits outside next to the BBQ which is...
  10. RickF

    D. Landreth Seeds potentially closing?!

    Ok.. I just called them up finally (probably should have done that sooner) and spoke with one of the staff and it turns out that one of the items in my order (the 'black-egg' variety of eggplant) was on back-order from their supplier which was holding the order up. I changed it over to 'black...
  11. RickF

    D. Landreth Seeds potentially closing?!

    Hmm.. I'm starting to wonder if they did close.. I made an order on 2/18 and outside of an automated message saying the order was in-process I've heard nothing since.. Is this normal for them? This was the first time I've placed an order with them.. Anyone?
  12. RickF

    Hydroponics medium?

    Ok.. one more followup.. I did buy some additional rope from the local Joanne's store (I bought 5 yards) and ran it through the washing machine with some other laundry.. Doing that seems to help immensely with the wicking action.. After close to 2 days, the 'virgin' wick from the store had only...
  13. RickF

    Hydroponics medium?

    Well.. Just a quick followup.. Apparently the wicking material I chose -- 100% cotton edging material I found at my local JoAnne's fabrics isn't working.. Either my holes are too small (the wicking is tight in the holes) or it just doesn't like the cotton -- I put 1/2 gallon of water in the...
  14. RickF

    Hydroponics medium?

    Sorry for resurrecting this older thread.. Just had to add one more suggestion.. When I was a kid, we had several DIY hydroponic setups using small plastic round wash basins (search Amazon for "round wash basin" for a pic) nested with the top basin having some wicking to suck up water+fertilizer...
  15. RickF

    Tried my hand at some weed smoldering over the weekend..

    Thanks all! I've been hampered by recent weather lately (lots-o-rain -- now I guess just slightly radioactive from what I gather).. I'm hoping to get back to it soon..
  16. RickF

    Tried my hand at some weed smoldering over the weekend..

    I've got a cheapie from Harbor Freight that is a bit rusty but works fine.. Unfortunately the issue with these weeds is that they just don't have all of their root systems near the surface so the weed burners just don't do much outside of killing the obvious part of the plant.. They'll just...
  17. RickF

    Large shallots..

    Thanks for the offer.. I'll probably just visit he local Von's again and get some more and pop them in the dirt.. ;)
  18. RickF

    Tried my hand at some weed smoldering over the weekend..

    I've got a weed torch but wanted something that would not only kill off the top-layer but would heat the ground for a while to kill stuff below the surface..
  19. RickF

    Large shallots..

    Funny you mention Von's Hoodat.. That's where I got these -- a local Vons/Pavillions. I've got one left and the price was even reasonable.. I vaguely recall in the past that local markets typical gouge people for buying shallots -- but not this year IMHO. Interestingly enough, Baker seeds...
  20. RickF

    Sucker on the base of a fig tree..

    Thanks.. In this case it already has leaves.. In fact it has more leaves than the rest of the tree, hence my interest in removing it.. The rest of the tree is just starting to set buds out but this sucker has full-sized leaves.. Go figure.. I'll give it a shot with a wet pot standing by.. Thx!