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    Question about tomato plants?

    Only one I've heard not to plant near a tomato is potato. They both can get blight so if they're close they would "share" which wouldn't be good. But I've read planting basil next to tomatoes is a good thing. Read on companion planting, pretty neat :) Wiki has a good guide...
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    Pretty lavander blooms

    We have these growing in a bunch at the end of our driveway. They are about 6" tall and the blooms are about 1/2" in diameter. Any ideas? I think they're just lovely
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    old daffodils not blooming well and pictures of scilla

    If you don't think you'll remember (or history of not remembering) do what I do... If you have a cell phone (I'd hate to assume) set an alarm/opointment next fall Say the first Saturday in September with a note about it. I have to do this for opointments that i schedule over a week in advance...
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    We don't grow our own here... but we get plenty wild asparagus of the ditch banks. The season JUST started here this last weekend, I cut about 12 spears Saturday morning but had lots of things to do so I wasn't out there more than 10 minutes hunting. Last year we were able to freeze a gallon bag...
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    any ideas for mulch/ground cover for high winds area?

    Never thought of the wood chips with bird netting. Wood chips would be free (we have an awesome neighbor) so we'd only be out the netting... But I think it's going to be too difficult to decide now... I might just have to do a bit of narled cushion, hen'n chicks in "clumps" and the bark for the...
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    any ideas for mulch/ground cover for high winds area?

    So here's the deal. I have a bay window in the kitchen facing south and it just framed the yard SO nicely I planted a flower bed below it. However this flowerbed being on the south and shading from the west (waiting for some trees to grow) gets heavy sun allday from the south and west. SO the...
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    Sprouting Sweet Potatoes

    How long does it take for those sprouts to happen? My organic SP has been in the canning jar like that for about a week and a halfnow, and I think maybe i have roots starting, maybe, but no slips yet. I also have 1/2 of one in a pot of dirt with about 1/2" under the soil with about 3" above the...
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    Brugmansia cuttings Giveaway

    Oh how exciting :) Aussie Heelers are a cow dog bred in Austrailia that has a dingo influence. We have cows and had planned to train him to work out cows... but it turns out that he'd rather chase cats and stay outside the hotwire fence. This is my "Pirate" he's three years old this last March.
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    Anyone have cute ideas for veggie markes? (Pics Please)

    Those cement ones are very cute... much nicer than my popsicle sticks lol;)
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    Brugmansia cuttings Giveaway

    Oh I'm in Colorado I guess I should put that in the huh. I have an aussie heeler dog, he's my "child" I guess :hugs
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    How do you anchor your tomato cages?

    I tried making a cage like the one pictured above and it did ok for about 1/2 of the plants but the other 1/2 outgrew them and fell on their sides. I had to rotate them from one side to the other every day and it was a mess. There's a local produce farm down the road that i'm going to be getting...
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    Grape plant prices?

    wow that raspberry price is darn good too! I just paid $10 each, sound like I've been had.
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    Brugmansia cuttings Giveaway

    I'd like to give one a try if I could. Thanks this is very generious of you :)
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Brave woman! We're in 6a over here and I haven't stuck anything outside yet. Just planted my giant pumpkin inside on Saturday, jalapeno and habanero just over a week ago... but nothing showing yet. We have 2 red raspberry and 2 blueberry bushes inside waiting for the last frost since they have...
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    Favorite FLOWER to grow in your garden?

    I love my sunflowers too. Marigolds zinnia daffodils but all time favorite is the sunflower
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    Suggest another plant for me, please.

    What about a tree? Maybe a RED MAPLE? They're darn pretty. So long as it's given water and not allowed to dry out that should work. Or maybe a red butterfly bush. My thought has pretty much been so long as you water it and it's in soil that makes it happy ie: sandy, well drained, clay, acidic or...
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    Start of my rabbit herd

    Both look like broken rex to me, they both have that cute "butterfly" on their nose. I raised blue and black dutch through 4-H for about 5 years :) Sweet rabbits. Rabbit is quite tasty and the "turnover" rate is very nice for meat raising. Not to mention the amazing fertilizer you'll get since...
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    Ok. I checked with our Natural Grocer out here and I guess I was just a couple days late. They said they couldn't sell it, nobody was buying it so they tossed it all and won't get it again :( So I'll have to keep my eye open for it at the other stores.
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    Honeycrisp Apple Cuttings?

    Oh darn mine is a gala or fuji, just got it last year. If you wanted a small branch from one of them we could swap... I need another branch grafted anyway for polination purposes too. And I'm just across the divide from ya :) So Hi ya neighbor... seen ya on the CO thread over on BYC :)