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  1. momofdrew


    I swear the weather everywhere is messed up...we have to plant by our old schedule and never mind early warmth... mother nature's just trying to fool us into planting our toms and cukes so she can send ol' Jack FRost out to kill em off...stay strong friends summer will come everywhere north of...
  2. momofdrew

    Garden Photos, Everyone Post Some

    all are wonderfully inspireing... I need to have my son help me down load some pics for show and tell....
  3. momofdrew

    Prayer Request

    That is a very good hatch congratulations
  4. momofdrew

    Smelly rose?

    and make great big rose hips in the fall...
  5. momofdrew

    Welcome to my Jungle! :)

    You are weeks and weeks ahead of me Daisy and your garden is beauuuutifuuuullll :bow
  6. momofdrew

    Compost Tea Opinions Wanted

    I think that is a Steve question
  7. momofdrew

    Compost Tea Opinions Wanted

    I always thought compost tea was just compost and water...let sit for a couple of days and use watered down...
  8. momofdrew

    Epsom salt

    I used it on my roses last year didnt see much difference in the health of the plants...but I will try it on my squashes as I have had blossom end rot on my summer squash in the past...
  9. momofdrew

    Saving Corn Seed

    I am totally confused...but not to worry...that is a state I am often in :idunno I could not save seed of my corn because the neighbor behind me grows corn and I have no idea what he grows...and there is chance of contamination