Search results

  1. Backyard Buddies

    Apple Tree?

    I've heard mixed reviews on these. Some love them, some hate them. There's another way to do this if yard size constraints are an issue. There is a method for growing deciduous fruit trees whereby you plant several trees in a single hole, then prune the cross branches to avoid overcrowding...
  2. Backyard Buddies

    Sustainable Growing Project

    Thanks Steve. You know, it started with an idea and has taken off from there. Something amazing is happening, something bigger than the small group of people who had an idea and decided to make it happen. The community reaction is amazing! We've just been notified that a group has come...
  3. Backyard Buddies

    Sustainable Growing Project

    I have no clue, J. I'll see if I can take a few pictures, assuming they sit still long enough for me to do so. These are wild parrots, so who knows what kind they are! Here are some pictures that I took today of the garden and the dedication ceremony. First, a tree was planted in memory of...
  4. Backyard Buddies

    Started Planting Today! DUW!

    Jordan - Looks great! It looks as if you got quite a bit accomplished today and, since you live in the fertile central valley, no doubt what you planted will do well! Post more pictures when they start growing. The tomatoes we planted last weekend already have little marble sized tomatoes...
  5. Backyard Buddies

    Sustainable Growing Project

    Ummm. Green ones??? :P Yeah, I know I still owe you an email (hangs head in shame). I've been working on this project every weekend and the one weekend we didn't is the one where we went to Nor. Cal to visit our friends during Easter weekend. I haven't forgotten you! I am sooooo sore this...
  6. Backyard Buddies

    What came first -- the chicken or the garden?

    I hope that the chickens aren't the responsible party and the reason the garden is gone. :lol: I was a gardener from the time I could walk! When about 2 years of age, I was always digging in the dirt - to the point that my nickname from then on out was Dirt-Shirt. My first memory was at the...
  7. Backyard Buddies

    Sustainable Growing Project

    Hey J! Great to see ya! Sure, I'll post some pictures of the parrots, if they'll hold still long enough for me to actually take a picture. :lol: They sure are loud! The parrots are going to be one of our critter challenges. I'm sure they'll be quite glad that we planted all of those fruit...
  8. Backyard Buddies

    Sustainable Growing Project

    We had another work day today ahead of our dedication tomorrow on Earth Day. The right side orchard was planted with what we could find so far. We planted: Citrus: Valencia Orange, Mexican Lime, Nagami Kumquat, Algerian Mandarin (Clementine), and Meyer Lemon. We have a spot reserved for a...
  9. Backyard Buddies

    Sustainable Growing Project

    It has been a while, so I thought I'd post an update on the project. On 4-5-2008, Carri (from here and BYC) and hubby came out to help with the project. They brought their tractor and went to work to see what they could do to break up the soil. There were parts of it that were great, and...
  10. Backyard Buddies

    How big is your garden?

    Geez! Some of you guys have gardens bigger than my entire lot! Like Ga Chicken Mom, I'm doing raised beds here due to clay soil. My veggie area and chicken area are one and the same - in a 25 X 11 fenced off area. Four raised beds make up the gardening area - each varying from 4 X 5 to 4 X...
  11. Backyard Buddies

    Growing Asparagus

    I haven't yet grown asparagus (perhaps this year!) but I did grow up right next to an asparagus farm. The crowns are planted in the trench, then the soil is slowly filled in over time as the asparagus grows. If you've grown leeks, it's a similar process.
  12. Backyard Buddies

    Looking for Hops

    Ahhh. You must be a home brewer! I haven't brewed in a while, but I did look into hops at one time. You don't need a lot of them, but you do need to make sure you like the variety you choose. They like to be quite moist, but not to have too wet of feet. There are commercial growers on the...
  13. Backyard Buddies

    New Fruit Trees

    I'm new to apples so I had to look up the Triploid definition as it applies to apples. Everywhere I look it says, "Apples that are pollen sterile (usually genetic triploids) will not pollinate other apples; therefore, if you plant a pollen sterile variety you will need two other pollinators."...