Search results

  1. Backyard Buddies

    garlic recommendations

    Say you buy a pound of seed garlic, plant each clove and end up with 45 - 65 heads of garlic. If you were to save some of the heads for replanting, you'd only need the equivalent of 5 - 6 of those heads to replace what you needed to get the same amount again for the next season and can eat the...
  2. Backyard Buddies

    My garden as of today

    That's great Adam! Isn't it such a wonderful feeling when you plant a seed, see the little stem curling out of the soil, then watch it grow and flower? Just wait until you taste your first veggie that you GREW YOURSELF!! Keep us informed!
  3. Backyard Buddies

    Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

    Since we didn't have an official mulch thread, I thought I'd start one. :) What do you use to mulch around your yard/gardens? Any tips/questions/challenges/mistakes you want to share would also be great.
  4. Backyard Buddies

    garlic recommendations

    Can someone explain what the following means: "Cloves per pound: 45-65. Cloves per head: 9-11." I understand the cloves per head part - that each head of garlic contains 9 - 11 cloves. With that, does it mean that when you purchase a pound of garlic seed that you're getting the equivalent of...
  5. Backyard Buddies

    How To Tell When Garlic is Ready

    Thanks for your list, Tutter! Yes, seed garlic can be expensive, but like you, I love the fact that you buy it once and plant it year after year. I'm one of those folks who hates to waste anything, recycles, etc. so garlic is right up my alley. Plus, we eat a lot of it here. :D This...
  6. Backyard Buddies

    How To Tell When Garlic is Ready

    What do they look like....I mean the heads/cloves? White, red striped etc.? They were large cloves, purple striped, few cloves per plant. Their growth habit is fan like. They don't grow up tall looking like some garlic I've seen. Were they easy to peel when you used them in food? I don't...
  7. Backyard Buddies

    How To Tell When Garlic is Ready

    Yet again, Oakie comes to the rescue! :lol: I have no idea what kind of garlic these are. They've been grown by a cousin for decades. He just keeps replanting them year after year. I brought 4 heads home with me. We ate one, and gave one to the neighbor to plant, leaving two for us to...
  8. Backyard Buddies

    How To Tell When Garlic is Ready

    First off, I know that I did it incorrectly. I was given some homegrown garlic from some family members, but I didn't get it into the ground until February (should have been planted btw. late Oct. and early Dec.). However, knowing that it was a use it or lose it situation, I planted it anyway...
  9. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Actually, I have a funny story about that. This tomato plant sits not too far outside my bedroom window, which was cracked open a tad. One evening as I was settling down to sleep, I swear that I heard a critter yelp out there. As I drifted off, I was snickering to myself about the surprise...
  10. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Well, your mistake actually helps me feel better. It gives me hope that we'll be able to solve this one just as we have seemingly solved the Marianna's Peace. Now for the pix. . . . Here's a picture of the German Pink plant. I couldn't get the entire plant in the picture since it's pretty...
  11. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    I'm not sure I'd call those little crawling things 'termite like.' I'll have to shake the bush some more and see if I can put 'em under a microscope. They were pretty tiny. I took some pictures that I'll have to post later (I'm supposed to be working) for you to see. I'm not having any...
  12. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Lucky you for getting to enjoy your 'maters! Nice! Day time temps at this time of the year are usually in the mid-70s, with night time temps are low-to-mid 60s. We did have some very warm days last week - up in the upper 80s to lower 90s but it still dropped into the upper 60s at night. OK...
  13. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    I can just picture the lady with the machete! The nerve of some people! :barnie I'm going to take a chance with this tomato on the vine, but maybe not past tomorrow if it's still there by then. The Stupice plant has a LOT of tomatoes, so hopefully I'll get one or two that the rat doesn't...
  14. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Well, I haven't picked it yet, so I'm not countin' my 'maters before their picked! And, unfortunately, one of the 3 remaining tomatoes in that bunch (the one that had the least amount of cayenne dusting) has been munched on by the critter, so I'm now down to two in that bunch. I wonder if I...
  15. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Time for the Monday "Mater Report! Lots of heat this week, upper 80s, lower 90s, with night time temps in the lower 70s. We got slow growth on all plants - ranging from 2% on the Stupice to 9% on the German Pink. EXCEPT. . . . Marianna's Peace grew another 27% and is now only 3" shorter than...
  16. Backyard Buddies

    ChocChip Muffin recipe?

    This may be different than what you're looking for, but I make this recipe (with some adjustments) and it's quite yummy! The changes I've made to the recipe: 1/3 cup of butter instead of 1 cup of margerine add 1/2 cup...
  17. Backyard Buddies

    Darn tomato eating critters!

    Hey! I like this idea. I did some quick reading on it and others are saying it works as well. Lavender is also supposed to be good. I don't have any mint in my garden now, but the nursery is close by. I'll have to pot a few (I remember what happened when I just stuck it in the ground!) and...
  18. Backyard Buddies

    Darn tomato eating critters!

    :lol: I DID mention that I live in the city, didn't I?? I can see the headlines now. . . "OC Woman Loses it Over Lost Tomatoes" "Fires gun feet away from neighbor's home." Yeah, um, NO! I think I'll stick to chili peppers, rubber snakes, and rat traps! But thanks for the laugh!
  19. Backyard Buddies


    Yup, sure can. I've seen them growing throughout So. Cal - even within a couple of miles of the coast and we have one growing at the church garden, although it's still on the small side and hasn't produced yet. Armstrong's Nursery sells the pups of the Dwarf Cavendish variety locally. Laguna...
  20. Backyard Buddies

    Darn tomato eating critters!

    Thanks again, y'all. I may just try ALL of these things. I swear, other than the Sun Gold tomatoes, and a couple they missed on the other plants, they ate ALL of my tomatoes last year! I will especially go back to trapping them, but I think I need to pick up another few traps. Every time...