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  1. Backyard Buddies

    Darn tomato eating critters!

    Thanks all. Last year, I tried sprinkling chili powder all over them to no avail. They ate them anyway. Perhaps they thought I was dressing up their treat a little bit! :mad: I hope Oakland's concoction will work where the chili powder didn't. Oakland, do I chop, smash, or do anything...
  2. Backyard Buddies

    Garden Update. DUW! *Updated*

    It's looking GREAT Jordan! Did you eat all the fruit or did you save some for Tutter, Oakland, and I??? ;)
  3. Backyard Buddies

    Darn tomato eating critters!

    Thanks Oakland! Do you have a recipe for the garlic/pepper/onion spray? What kinds of critters does the blood meal discourage? How should that be applied?
  4. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Thanks Oakland. I'm glad to know that I did some good selecting! I got these from the Fullerton Arboretum's big tomato/pepper show. I wasn't able to attend myself, but had some friends pick up the items I had selected. OK, I'll try giving the German Pink a good shake. The Stupice is setting...
  5. Backyard Buddies

    Darn tomato eating critters!

    It happened last year and it's happening again! I have grown veggies here for 15 years, but this past year *something* took nibbles out of nearly ever tomato as it ripened. They don't ever eat the whole thing and leave pretty much nothing untouched. I think it may be tree rats, but I'm not...
  6. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Guess what, Oakland? It's Monday again! :lol: The Marianna's Peace is doing GREAT! It gained nearly 37% in height this past week and is now 30" tall, the same size that Stupice was last week. :D Marianna now has 5 flower clusters, tho they're all still small. I have 'maters on all of the...
  7. Backyard Buddies

    Southern California?

    Welcome to the group, Suess! I'm in So. Cal - in OC pretty close to the ocean. Like Oakland said, we can grow pretty much anything except for lettuce in the summer. I've even grown tomatoes into February! Tutter - I love the Huntington Library and Gardens. Amazing place! It has been a...
  8. Backyard Buddies

    Neighborhood Kids

    That's awesome, Carlos! I spent a year working with gang/at-risk kids as a part of a job I was doing and I cannot tell you how much these inner city kids CRAVE to create something. In a world where life is so hard and where they see so much negativity around them, whether it be poverty, drugs...
  9. Backyard Buddies

    Finally got my garden in.

    Hee heee hee. :lol: Well then, just send me a picture. Then I will know. ;) I promise I won't tell, but I won't promise to not play neener neener with our other members. :lau
  10. Backyard Buddies

    Finally got my garden in.

    Congrats on getting your garden in! It's such a rewarding feeling, isn't it?! Post pix of your mystery plants if you get a chance. Eggplant don't really look like pumpkin or squash (they grow more upright like pepper plants) so I'll be curious to know what they turn out to be. Let's hope...
  11. Backyard Buddies

    TheEasyGarden Member Titles! **Voting Closed....Stay Tuned!**

    :gig Poor Oakland! With his gnome phobia, we might just scare him right outta here before he gets to the fifth level!
  12. Backyard Buddies

    Neighborhood Kids

    How about a school or a church? Look for a weedy, unkept spot that could use some love and attention. And, if you need to show any examples, I'll be glad to supply you with pictures of our project. I'd love to see this concept catch on!
  13. Backyard Buddies

    Yellow crook necked squash recipes?

    My late aunt has a self-published cookbook with about 7 or 8 recipes in it. I've only tried one of them, and that one doesn't have exact measurements, unfortunately, but is easy enough to wing it. Summer Squash Casserole Simmer sliced summer squash with onion in a little water. Drain and...
  14. Backyard Buddies

    Neighborhood Kids

    What a great story, Carlos! Kids and plants are such a natural marriage and I think it's really sad when city kids lose that natural connection. Sometimes all it takes is a patient person to walk them through the steps and it appears as if you did a great job with that! Do you have any extra...
  15. Backyard Buddies

    TheEasyGarden Member Titles! **Voting Closed....Stay Tuned!**

    OK, here's my vote to throw into the mix: 1. Seedling/New Seed (I like the "new" part of it since it fits) 2. Sprout (not real excited about Breaking Soil. I just can't get past "breaking wind" when I read it. :gig ) 3. Leafed out (or how about Branching Out?) 4. Blossoming (or...
  16. Backyard Buddies

    Home grown tomatoes ... at last!!

    Not a problem at all. You were simply missing the ----> [ <----- before the IMG designation. I love tomatoes with a history. Are there any stories that go along with the plant? What kind of leaves does this plant have?
  17. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Ahhhhhh. Well then, I'll have to take a picture of the first Marianna's Peace tomato to share with you! :D
  18. Backyard Buddies

    "Plant a Row for the Hungry" program

    That's wonderful! I love all these ideas and look forward to more that are bound to come through on this thread. This is very much what we're doing with the church garden. We initially started with the idea of giving toward Second Harvest Food Bank, but then found another organization that...
  19. Backyard Buddies

    Home grown tomatoes ... at last!!

    I couldn't see it as typed. Let's see if this works: It looks mighty tasty. Was it??????
  20. Backyard Buddies

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Thanks yet again Oakland! So, I don't have to go through the pain of pinching flowers again? ;) Even on the shorter 14" stems? Would there be any benefit in pinching flowers on the shorter stems and leaving them on the longer stem? I do notice that the only plant to not put on any height is...