Oakland -
It's time for the Monday report!
All the plants are progressing well. Last week, I gave them another round of egg shells.
Stupice grew the least - no height gain - but now has well over 40 tomatoes on the plant. (I had heard this about the Stupice!)
German Pink grew 15% and has...
LOL. Well, with 4 sets of g-grandparents, perhaps that skill got bred out of you! Oh well, you must have gotten the tomato genes from somewhere else in your gene pool! :lol:
Well, I WISH that the Grands had passed along their knowledge! I'm told that my gg-grandmother and her second husband were really big into tomato experimentation and came up with all kinds of new varieties. Had they passed that along, perhaps I'd be telling you the what-fer's of tomato...
Thanks Oakland! The smallest of the stems is gone, so I'll keep a watch on the plant to see how it's coming along. With your great advice, I would think that I'll know fairly soon which direction would be the best way to go. Your help has been fabulous and I've learned a lot! To be continued...
Tutter - Would you mind PMing me with the name brand of the test kits with which you've had good luck? Thanks! Do you make chamomile tea with your flowers?
Oakland - Thanks yet again for your terrific guidance! Yes, the thicker stem is the one that had the flowers and the most growth. And...
Thanks again, Oakland!
I'm sending you some more pictures to let you get a better idea of what is going on with this little guy. Here's a close up shot of the stem area. There are actually 4 stems, but you can't see where they all connect in one picture, so I've taken two photos to illustrate...
By jove, I think you've got it! I just went out and looked and you are correct - There is NO main stem! There are in fact, three side shoots and no main stem. What the heck might have happened to create that problem? Whatever it was, it must have come that way because I certainly didn't trim...
I'm not entirely clear on your figures. If it's growing 25% a week, wouldn't it be nearly 2 ft within the next two weeks? ;) Gosh, I sure hope so!
Either way, I think I agree that pinching might provide the best results, especially since I've had this little guy since March and it's still...
It's my weekly reporting on my little Marianna's Peace tomato! It is still growing, making some progress, but not nearly the exciting growth of last week. This is what happened this week:
Stupice: Grew 36% in height. (lots of tomatoes!)
German Pink: Grew 30% in height.
Anna Russian: Grew...
Thanks! I'll be looking for it next year since I live so close. Gotta love a good plant sale!
If you ever get a chance, make a trek out to the Fullerton Arboretum sales. The have a tomato/pepper sale in March plus their Spring Scene in April. They also have the potting shed open on a...
I'm brand new to plum growing, so I used the info provided by the Dave Wilson Nursery as to which pollinators go best with which plum and for the other fruit we planted as well.
According to their site, Mariposa is an Improved Satsuma and is...
Hi Doc! Glad to see you over here! We've had some chats about dirt in the past, so I look forward to your sharing of information over here as well. I'm sure it'll be much appreciated by the folks here at TEG!
Oh gee Pups! Now you tell me! No, I didn't know a thing about the OCC nursery sale! My plants came from the Cal State Fullerton Arboretum tomatoes/peppers sale back in, um, er, March I think. Tell me about the OCC sale!
I hadn't heard of the tomatoes you picked up, but it looks like both...
Thanks for the tips, Oakland!
You're lucky to be able to spend long hours in the greenhouse, gardens, and beds! Wish I had that kind of time. Since I work from home (for hubby) I pretty much only get to visit with the plants for short periods throughout my work day.
We don't get much in...
:lol: With such a small garden and only 5 little tomato plants to care for, it's easy to be precise.
I think that we're on a good path so far. Should I dig in any more eggshells at any point? Any other tips you'd like to share? Do you have an established system for your 'maters?
An update with the latest accomplishments -
On 5/17: We had a smaller group that day due to several folks traveling, but we still managed to:
- Complete the area for the pumpkins and got them planted.
- Began digging and amending the first section for the corn.
- Planted the herb garden.