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  1. S

    Sweet Potato Recipe

    I had a marvelous sweet potato harvest this year. Now we have to figure out how we're going to eat two bushels of them this winter. We microwave and eat them with butter and brown sugar. We need some help with other ways to prepare them.
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    Green bean seeds

    Can green beans saved this way be used in the winter for ham and beans? Is the flavor ok?
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    Ripening Pears??

    Do the same ripening rules apply to asian pears, or should I treat them like apples?
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    Is their such a thing as too much compost?

    I purchased compost from a landscaping company. They say it is mostly yard waste with some horse manure. It is beautiful, black, fluffy stuff. If money were not an issue, would there be drawbacks to filling a raised bed (for vegetables) solely with compost?
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    Green oak for raised beds

    Well, so much for keeping the cost in line. Have you ever priced L brackets? They'd cost me more than the lumber. I wondered about the warping issue and you all have confirmed this as a problem. My wife really wants me to install 14 raised beds each 4 ft x 10 ft. I priced out the green oak...
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    Green oak for raised beds

    Cedar is sooo expensive I can't afford to use it to make all the raised beds I want. A local lumber yard tells me, "green oak works just as good, maybe better." It is priced at 90 cents a board foot. He said farmers use it all the time for everything from animal pens to horse troughs. I had...
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    Yellow Raspberry Plants

    I have them EVERWHERE and I'm trying to eradicate them. They have very little flavor and are very aggressive. I planted them adjoining some red varieties and now there are no reds, only yellow. if you're committed to them, start them far apart from everything else.
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    winter annual rye

    I just called the garden center. They said I'd need 30 lbs for my 2500 sq. ft. garden at $1.50 a pound. Does this sound reasonable? If so, I don't think I'll invest $45 given the above comments about limited growth this late in the season.
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    winter annual rye

    Is it too late to plant in zone 5?
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    Ornamental cabbage/kale

    For 1/2 gallon pots in September at Rural King, I think they were $2.79 each.
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    Ornamental cabbage/kale

    I'm still enjoying these in my landscaping but plants purchased in the Fall are very expensive. Looking forward (already) to the next growing season, I'm wondering if I can grow my own in the garden, and then transplant them in September to pots and into my landscaping beds. Since they are a...
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    Raised bed material

    What is the best thing to use for raised vegetable beds? I'm afraid to use treated lumber because of concern for leaching chemicals. Cedar and redwood are very expensive in the midwest. The cost for two 2 x 10 x 12's, enough for an 8 ft bed, is $75 to $100. If that isn't bad enough, I just...
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    Where can I buy snowdrops

    Yes, I want the ones that bloom very early in Spring - to rush the season so to speak. I've often planted spring flower bulbs even in late December. As long as the soil is not too frozen to dig. They always come up in spring. Is there a reason why this wouldn't be true for snowdrops?
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    Where can I buy snowdrops

    Does anyone have a good source of snowdrop bulbs? The only ones I've found on line are $13.95 plus shipping for 25 bulbs. As small as they are, a mass planting would cost me a fortune.
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    Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos lablab)

    We have them growing wild aound our fence line. I help them along a bit. Are the beans edible?
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    Mysterious lilac bush death

    I planted a common lilac bush 3 years ago from a 5 gallon pot. They are very prolific in my area and had been growing great in full sun with a few inches of mulch. For no apparent reason it started turning brown about mid summer. All but a few side sprouts are now dead. Our cats sometimes...
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    Sweet potatoes gone wild

    A couple of them ARE very curvaceous!
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    Sweet potatoes gone wild

    This year was my first effort at sweet potatoes, and OMG. I harvested the first of about 15 plants and I got 9 very large potatoes. I've read the textbook storage instructions: "Dry for a couple of hours. Store in newspaper lined baskets at 80 to 85 degrees for 2 weeks, then 55 to 65 degrees...
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    Eliminating Raspberries

    I'm all for limiting the use of chemicals, but that 3 ft by 16 ft bed is one solid mass of roots. I doubt I could get all the roots if I tried.
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    Eliminating Raspberries

    I planted a 16 ft row of several red varieties and a few yellows. Now the yellow variety has taken over and chocked out all but a couple of the reds. The yellow berries don't have much flavor, and I'm constantly fighting mold. I spent a lot of time initially preparing the soil and support...