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  1. sparks

    rain barrels

    I just got a gutter and rain barrel for my birthday yesterday! A great hubby...he knows what what we like!:weee
  2. sparks

    Red and Green Cabbages PIX

    No fair! We have a snow storm today. Still looking at seed catalogs. Thats the nicest looking cabbage! ENJOY:)
  3. sparks

    Ground cherries

    I believe husk tomato and ground cherry are the same thing. Just different names for diff. zones.
  4. sparks


    Chickenchalupa...I am in E.C. What do you have for chickens? I have a brown egg layer assortment. Two white silkie roosters. Love to garden and really going for it this year. Starting another orchard too!:happy_flower
  5. sparks

    why I am GLAD that it's so darn cold!

    O.K. Enough already!!! -22 below zero this a.m. _32 with windchill factor. Going to be worst(not wurst):gig tonight! Hurry spring! Everyone stay safe. My coop lights are on 24 hours a day now. Nice and toasty. Think of all the nasty bugs going away in this weather.:weee
  6. sparks

    In Arkansas and we can't have empty categories, OH NO!

    Northern WI. Always lovely, if you care for winter too! Will be -20 below zero this week. Not supposed to get to zero for a couple of days. I go to the local greenhouse just to walk through and smell the plants. The days are getting LONGER! Lots to look forward to in 2009.:happy_flower
  7. sparks

    Those of you with extra freezers

    Other considerations would be to can your produce or dehydrate it. Freezers can fail in bad weather. I use all three methods to cover all bases.:)
  8. sparks

    Plum Tree in the Great White North

    We grow Italian Prune Plums in 4. It is a good idea to have them in a somewhat protected area. At a house we rented I used to can many quarts of them. Just planted one @ our house two years ago. Hopeing for a few this year!:)
  9. sparks

    Growing Amaranth for Chickens

    I grew a few Amaranth as flowers in the garden. They were red and grew anywhere from 2 feet to 6 feet tall. Very beautiful and showy. They are crazy reseeders! They are everywhere now. Composting did not kill the seeds. We really enjoy them and pull them out if they turn up in the wrong area...
  10. sparks

    New here, from Southern California

    Fabulous! Something a little bit wrong about seeing all that green and flowers. We have been having -15 below zero weather. I do appreciate seeing in and being hopeful for spring!:bow
  11. sparks

    Composting leaves

    Or throw them in the chicken run and they will really get them started for you!:rolleyes:
  12. sparks

    WOO HOO! Baker Creek seed catalog

    Seed Catalog...Oh My!..Can`t wait!
  13. sparks

    November in Georgia

    Beautiful flowers and pics. We enjoy beautiful fall colors in WI too! Thanks for sharing.:happy_flower It`s fun seeing things that do not do well here. Cotton and peanuts.
  14. sparks

    Garlic Indoors

    Sometimes when I have garlic sprout in the winter, I break apart the cloves and plant them into a pot of soil. They grow quickly and I only use the green part. That way you always have some greens to snip onto soups, salads and egg dishes. You can trim them off a couple of times and they grow...
  15. sparks

    Just wanted to share a turkey cutlet recipe

    Sounds good. Thanks for posting!:happy_flower
  16. sparks

    One more hollyhock question

    Just leave them. They will take care of themselves. If you think you have to mulch them wait until the ground is frozen or you will have mice or other rodents move nt and munch them. They will be lovely next year. Have fun!:happy_flower
  17. sparks

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    I dehydrated 2- five gallon buckets of apples given to me. Delicious! I like them crispy like chips. Also froze enough apples for a half dozen pies. Not much left after a good freeze. Only swiss chard, kale, brussels sprouts and rutabagas and green onions. Whew! I guess I have more to do!:tools
  18. sparks

    [b]How do you clean your carrots?[b]

    I remember an old landlady telling me to put them in the washer on the rinse cycle after rinsing them off. Don`t remember if it worked!:happy_flower
  19. sparks

    What's this flowering mounding plant?

    Could be Dianthus. A perennial. They are very nice.
  20. sparks

    Crab Apple Recipes

    Thanks for the great recipes!!! I`ll be sure to try them.:)