Looks very good. Nice and loose. We pretty much live in a sand pit so would not need the lava rock. Soil is much better after years of compost. I have high hopes for the compost this year with all my chicken litter.:happy_flower
Grilled Cabbage!!! It`s delicious! Chop it up, wrap it in aluminum foil with a tablespoon of water, a dab of butter and salt and pepper. Turn it a couple of times. Depending on amt. of charcoal it takes approx. 20 minutes. It is sweet and mild. Asked for now whenever we grill. Try it.:happy_flower
Good morning...I received some free seeds when I placed an order. They were Ground Cherries (YUM) and Garden Huckleberries. Never heard of them. Well of course I started them indoors and they really took off. I`ve read up on them and they sound interesting and I would like to know if anyone has...
Cleomes are great. They did the best last year and I gave several frinds some starts. Turned out to be one of all of ares favorites. Have a great summer!
:happy_flower:happy_flowerYIKES! I have never seen Poison Ivy as a vine. Here in the Great White North it does not do that! More of a ground cover that gets maybe 2 feet high. Are you sure that is what it is? I have a vining plant that looks like that and chokes out everything in its path. Not...
Broccoli is pretty easy to grow. Delicious too ! The only down-side is they seem to always get those green worms on them. Even if you don`t see them when you cook it they float to the top. Some people just skim them off. 100 plants seem like alot unless you plan tp freeze...and eat alot!!:dance
They can be started indoors. I place them on a heat mat with a dome cover. You will get a few but germination rate is low. Although two or three plants do well enough for us. I bring them in for winter. Happy Planting!!
YIKES!!! 37 degrees today and when I turned my compost it was STEAMING!! for the first time in about 15 years. Kudos to chicken manure from my deep litter method. What a great day!:dance
What zone are you in? I have heard of people turning sprinklers on them. The do that on fruit trees in florida too. It coats the fruit and actually protects them. We also do that in our northern gardens.