Again I really appreciate the information! Thank you!!! :D
We have a freeze coming up on Friday and Sat. :( Is there anything special that I should do to the ones that I have trimmed back to keep them from succumbing to the freeze?
We inherited the garden as-is from the previous homeowners, so I'm not sure what she did when she planted them, though the soil is rich and black at least 2 inches down, then it begins to get much lighter for several inches, then begins to turn to red clay/sand after that. ETA: I'm thinking...
The ground cover was identified on here as sedum. It get's small yellow flowers. It has choked out one of my dyanthus(the one that the chickens didn't eat :( ) and it seems to be taking over. I don't really care for it that much.
I'm not sure what kind of rose I have. It was there when we...
thanks for the info greensage!!!! :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee
will do!!! =D
Do you think removing that groundcover below will help the rose bush? I think it is choking it out.
LOL I don't know whether to rip it out or leave it in now :lol:
It's in a flower bed. But seems to be choking out the roses. Should I leave it in and just make sure that I keep it thinned around the plants that I want to grow, or should I put wood chip mulch over it?
The redbuds are blooming(our state tree =D )
The daffodils, peach tree, and Plox are blooming.
The tulips are budding.
The birds are out full force.
I can hear the woodpeckers pecking again.
Some of the other trees around are beginning to leaf out.
Egg production is up for me too! =D
Wasps are...
Thanks Pat! I think this is likely the reason that my rosebush that only has one living branch for like 2 and half feet until it branches out at the top, is doing badly in that bed. ugh...DH put in on our hillside. Not happy about that. He did it before I knew it.
hmm on reading up more on this plant, is this something that I should take out, or should I leave it in, in place of mulch for weed control? Which would be better gardening experts? =D
Thanks Reinbeau! Yes! It does have little yellow flowers! I knew it did flower, but couldn't remember what they looked like. Thanks!
I think I will rip it out.
I don't know what this groundcover is, but I would sure like to know. It is taking over my beds and has over taken some of my Dianthus. It seems invasive to me. The homeowners before us planted it. Can anyone tell me anything about it? Should I rip it out? I would like to anyway because of how...
I cut back one of my rosebushes per the advice I got on here. Thanks again Everyone!! =D
I have another question before I cut down the second one: There is only one "branch" Not sure what it's called, that is alive and holding up a huge conglomeration of branches. So where should I cut...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You're not a thread killer :P
Hi Red!!! :frow
I would be interested in the swap, but I don't have any plants or seeds to swap..I have store bought ones, but no heirlooms. yet. =D
Haven't been on here much, posted a couple times a while back about roses and such, but...
This made me think of the "Little Red Hen" story. :lol:
Will you help me pick the beans? "Not I" said the Friend. "Not I" said the Mom. "Not I" said the kids. Then I will pick the beans.
Who will help me eat these beans? "I will!" said the mom. "I will!" said the friend. "I will!" said the...