My long-time manager has told me that if we ask "them" if something is okay to do, while they are here during the transition, and they say "no".....then it can NEVER be done, even after they leave...... Soooooo, I haven't ask them if I can take the produce refuse........LOL
Thanks Mary........It is, TOTALLY, time for a change. Not gonna work for ANYONE that doesn't trust me. I figure, if they have such a STRONG trust-issue can only mean that they, themselves, can't be trusted.
Lesa.....I'm planning on staying until I get "the phone call" from a company that has been in contact with me on a job that will be coming up soon. On the day of orientation, the long-time Produce manager (a 20+ year "veteran") quit and yesterday 2 long-time cashiers and the meat market manager...
Been a while since my last visit. A LOT of changes have been taking place in my little corner of the world. The family owned, independent grocery store (since 1956) I work for has been sold to FOOD GIANT. They took over on June 3rd. During the 2 1/2 hour employee orientation, FOOD GIANT made it...
Sure am glad it was just muscle spasms, v..........Try to take it easy for a while. You're, obviously, not COMPLETELY over being sick. We get sick, get to feelin' better and over exert....cause we be happy about it. That only works if you're a teenager. LOL
Mix one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with a cup of vegetable oil. Shake the mixture together until it is well mixed. Then add a quart of water to the mixture. Put the mixture into a spray bottle and test it on one plant to make sure it isnt too concentrated, as it may burn the...