Thanks, Marshall....You're right, gonna have to be some changes made up in here.
Mary, I have only three beds, right now. Two of them are 6' X 12' and one that is 2' X 4' (still gotta fill it). Haven't decided when or what I'm gonna plant in this second, big bed, yet, but I plan on settin' out...
WoooooHoooo....Done and it didn't kill me. Observation for those raising worms: while worm density was high throughout the pile, it was exceptionally high in areas where I had dumped avocados and butternut squash. Here's the finished bed and a closeup of the compost structure. We had a real good...
Thanks v.......In all the years that I have been "crazy" about composting, two things have been made crystal clear.........when you think your pile is big enough, double it; and no matter how much ya make, it ain't gonna be enough. It just doesn't "go as far" as you think when you are standing... start filling in the second raised bed. It was LOADED with red worms. Was anticipating SOME red worms......but, this is borderline ridiculous, but in a good way.......No hurry. Just goin' with the flow........
Actually, it's just a guide to the BEST times to do things, in the garden, by 'the moon'. Farmers have loosely gone by this method for years. I would imagine that if you lost any or all of your garden, at any time..........the fault could be attributed, MORE, to the gardener's attention and...
Congrats on your adventure decision have found the BEST gardening forum on the w.w.w., bar NONE. Just went to your facebook page and "liked" it with "get notifications"......VERY impressive. Looking forward to your experiences and input, both, there and here.
That is, REALLY, super nice. After seeing the words "cattle panel" on a post I read yesterday.....I've been constipating on an idea of a greenhouse using cattle panels and pallets for the floor. Pondering the possibilities.
The temps have been in the high 80's, here. Yesterday, the weather report was for a warm front to move through, today, bringing a possibility of severe weather. Right now, it's.................60*. Yep, that's what I call a warm front.
Yep, I got a whole LOT of catchin' up on posts to do, that's for sure, Marshall. Nadine (Hattie The Hen) and I are friends on facebook. She, not too long ago (I think, mid-summer/early fall), had to have a lot of work done on her house plus the UK has been hit with some of the coldest, snowiest...
Thanks.........and I kinda lean toward the "shake out", every year. The nutsedge is terrible in my neck of the woods and that stuff will come up through concrete. LOL