DH rarely mows. I push the whole acre (sans 30x100 garden plot & foundation beds around the house). DH actually enjoys mowing but he is a roofing contractor and is way too busy estimating and overseeing 3 crews to help with the yard consistently. Before he started his company, he was very...
My soil is a heavy clay that compacts easily, even watering it will compact it down. That's why I added sand and compost to my flower beds when I made them. Even this lightened mix is still "heavy" compared to soil in other parts of the country.
I enlarged the beds several years ago and I...
Has anybody done this? Usually I do "spot repairs" by sowing grass seed and putting up a make-shift fence with poultry netting. Thanks to last year's exceptional drought, this wasn't an option. There's a bunch of dust bath holes that need fixing! :rant
I was thinking of using the black...
I used to chop my peppers, freeze them on waxed-papers lined cookie sheets before transferring them to a mason jar in the big freezer. The bulk of my pepper harvest is chopped, dried, and stored in mason jars in the pantry. When I make vegetable soups, spaghetti, etc., I just pour the dried...
Calendula grows well in cool weather, they might flower by Mother's Day. It reseeds like crazy in the garden, but I've used them in containers (along with other annuals) to provide color before the other flowers begin to flower. Light frosts won't harm them so they should do fine in an...
:gig That reminds me when I was a teenager, my mother planted some trees (they were weed-sized) and I mowed right over 'em. I swear, they weren't much taller than the grass. Rosalind, can you believe my neighbor's husband mowed right over 6 peony bushes that were fixin' to bloom? Those things...
That's a great link JC! My neighbor's daughter tries to grow a winning pumpkin for the county fair every year. I have to show her that article.
My neighbor is breaking the vine too short, right near the first pumpkin. Thanks again!
Thanks for letting me know about Totally Tomatoes' background. I searched for their "safe seed pledge" and didn't find one. Monsanto is a dirty word at my house. I don't like their buying out seed companies in order to eradicate non-GMO seed supply. Territorial Seed Company and Seeds of...
Pizza dough is simple to make, especially with a food processor. Mix some chopped, fresh herbs in that dough, maybe some grated parmesan cheese, too...Pizza Hut pizza, frozen pizzas will never taste good again! Do you need a recipe?
I use the Pizza Pepper as my general purpose pepper because...
The Giant Marconi sounds good, I have to remember that. :happy_flower
The Pizza Pepper is a hybrid, in the "hot" catagory. Maybe it's my soil or my taste buds, but I don't think its hot at all and I'm no "chili-head". The best picture that portrays the shape of the Pizza Pepper is this from...
Patandchickens...you might like the Senorita jalapeno for your family. It really is mild, it has a jalapeno flavor without the heat. My DH enjoyed it.
What I grow:
Pizza Pepper--I use this in place of a bell pepper
Fish (an African-American heirloom with beautiful green & white variegated...
I have a pole butterbean seed (not lima) that has been grown by my FIL, which he got from his father. He's not sure how long he's had it, but I'm guessing more than 50 years. This variety needs a strong support because not only is it a heavy producer, the vines grow at least 15-20 ft. The...
What is your little girl's name? I'm sorry that she has had to endure so many struggles for someone so young. Anyway, I'm thinking of her and offering prayers on her behalf.
This system is being used in Paris apartments & restaurants in Italy. It looks perfect for people living in condos or handicapped gardeners. Wouldn't it be great for nursing homes, to somehow make a "green space"? Hmmm....maybe even on a coop wall or shed wall?
Outdoor version
Indoor version
Lucky you to have a basement (I love old homes!)...
The good thing about Wild Fermentation's recipes is that you're not dealing with bushels of vegetables. There's a lot of crazy-sounding stuff in the book that I'd never make. However, it is interesting in a historical sort of way. There's...
Let's see....I've dried leeks (read that they don't freeze well), dried onions, green & red peppers, tomatoes, herbs, and apples. Made beef jerky (no MSG!) and it was delicious! All these things weren't really ambitious. I use a 5-tray Excalibur food dehydrator. I want to find a way to store...