Picco--thanks for posting that link!
digitS'--can you describe the taste of orach? Do chickens like it as well? Regarding pigweed, at what stage do you harvest it? Is it mild tasting? That stuff grows too well in my garden.
It's not too early to think ahead! :coolsun This book is next on my "to buy" list:
Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning by Gardeners & Farmers of Terre Vivante
Maybe this: Making & Using Dried Foods
What I do have:
Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz here
Stocking Up by Rodale...
I can't have an exterminator spray because my chickens "lounge" next to the house under the deck or under the holly trees. I don't want the toads that live in the crawl space under the house to get poisoned either.
The one product that I did use is Orange Guard but it has to be sprayed...
seabrightlover--clove powder as in the spice, or did it have some other "active ingredient" mixed with it?
As for the boiling water treatment, I'd have to boil my house, my yard, everything...these little black ants are everywhere. One of my neighbor puts plain ol' Johnson's baby powder along...
I get those too. Do you get the Gardens Alive catalog? They sell beneficial nematodes that are injected into the squash vine. I keep telling myself that I will order these this year... I have used the flea control nematodes before.