We have a big gopher problem and five acres. I will start planting next week. We can't plant up here until after mother's day as we still get freezes until then.
My neighbor gave these to me , she got them from someone else. She was told that the plants repel gophers. We are going to try them and see, but I was wondering what they are called?
Yesterday DGD and I planted barrel cactus seeds. We also planted three kinds of sunflowers, sweet corn, pickeling cucumbers, regular cucumbers.
We are planting DGD a secret garden this month. We can't plant up here until after mothers day becuase of the frost. We forgot to plant the green...
My ex MIL grew one from seed. everyone told her that ones grown from a seed don't produce fruit. She didn't care, she said that hers might. She had it growing in water fro several years in the house. Shw finally planted it. A couple of years later that thing was producing so much fruit no one...
Thanks Pat, I know I can't get rid of them quickly. I am very determined when it comes to getting rid of pests of any sort. I once spent three weeks digging daily until I was about 4' deep to get the roots of four'o clock plants an awful rose bushes(I love roses, just not these) out of the...
I don't mean to be difficult but, actually we do raised beds, I know that I shouldn't worry about them because of that. In the future I will also be teir planting on our hill in front of our house where a lot of yarrow is. I just want to get rid of all of it and be done with it!
I would have to...
Yes, it is much better than just dirt. My problem is the place where it is mostly is where my future garden will be! I want to get rid of it before I plant.
Some people I talk to really like yarrow, but they all have some also. Last year I was soaking the ground for several hours, then pulling then up by the root. I cleared out most of them from a hillside and the crest of the hill. I still have a looong way to go. I have thought about cutting them...
Thanks for the info. I have been digging them up, trying to get the whole taproot if possible. Your way with the salt sounds MUCH easier!!
Yes! They hurt greatly! I have to wear leather gloves and even then sometimes the thorns poke through. I have gotten to where I use clippers to pick them...
I think this is the right place to post. I want to build a root cellar or something to preserve my harvest.
I saw digits post about his carrots, that's kind of what I had in mind. We have TONS of rabbits , ground squirrels, gophers, moles, voles. So I believe that we must line the hole/ditch...
Does anyone have any luffa seeds that they would part with?? How about any other types of gourds?
I am also looking for sunflowers tall and med. I want to help DGD to plant a secret garden with them.