Also from BYC! I have gardened since I was a child, even when living in apts. Spent many, many years on CA coast, always had a large garden. Now up in CA mts, My garden is getting closer to the top of the list. I am going crazy without a garden:barnie
I will be throwing several different...
We finally got a good nursery here. A master 3 gardener was tired of having to go to the city nurseries, so she opened one up! She mostly has native plants but also other plants that will grow here.
We have lots of sage for the cotton-tails, jacks, quail, and other little creatures to...
Last Sat. I planted some grass seed in a flat for the only chicken and roo we have left(getting more when new coop is done), DH's big boss gave us 9 tree starters from audibon soc. that she didn't order. DH thinks they are cypress.Don't know if they'll grow up here but will try. Just planted...
As to the fruit trees, maybe they wer only male or only female, or if they needed cross polination and they only had 1 tree of that kind and no one in the area had another then they wouldn't get any fruit.
When I lived in the city, other peoples pesticides weren't a problem, no one else around...
We live above Frazier Park at 5800ft. It is hot in the summer, windy, cold and snowy in the winter. Would the wisteria grow up here? I might be interested in the four o clocks also, they are sooo intrusive, but we have 5 acres so maybe if I plant them at the bottom it won't be so bad. I will...
I registered in Jan. then forgot about it. I kept remembering while I was awake in bed, trying to sleep.
I finally made it!! Now how will I get any work done between BYC and here???