Me too!
Since we've moved, which is just over a year, and we have the ability and freedom to have a compost bin, give scraps to various animals, etc., i have been saving what things are reusable trash, burning some things, and i think i have filled about 3 trash bags this entire year that had...
I would love to know if the bark is smooth all over and if the leaves are the same all over the tree. The leaf arrangement, as i'm identifying it right now, i am not finding it anywhere.
Maybe more close up pictures would give us (me) more clues.
FYI, was not trying to insult your tree. It's a very pretty and interesting-looking tree. I just wanted to make sure there was not some other information that might give me a clue to figuring out what it is.
Steve is really good at this stuff. He'll probably beat me to the i.d., but i'm...
great mystery.
i've been googling about an hour and have NO matches.
will try later if no one else solves the mystery.
what did you mean when you said it has good color?
Though i do focus on native plants, i have no problem growing non-native plants in my garden. At the same time, i am not deceived enough to believe that i have the skill, knowledge, or instinct to give life to a cold-loving plant here in my hot humid woods. ;)
So far, my most successful...
That anise hyssop sounds great. Sadly, for me, it appears to be a lover of cold. The USDA distribution shows it stopping several states north of me, which makes me think it doesn't dig our heat. :D
Last year, i did have one anise plant - i have no idea which variety (back then i was even...
The tip about calling your local extension office - that's a good idea (not that the rest of them weren't ;) ). My extension office was able to recommend varieties of trees and plants that are known to grow well in this area. That helps a lot.
And of course, depending on what you want to do...
Well, i didn't mention cookies because your subject says 'honor the garden,' and i'm not sure my cookies honor the garden.
My special Christmas tradition is Pepparkakor - Swedish spice cookies. My mother and her family are from Sweden, and these cookies are wonderful - and difficult to make...
is that what it's called? you can see i really have not done a lot of (or any) research. :hide
but now that you gave me the info, i know that it seems to grow well on the south-easterly coast. i think i might not be successful trying to grow it here.
You're welcome! I'm interested in what...
i see it now. pretty groovy. nice tall tomato plants. i LOVE the smell of tomato plants - almost enough to grow them with or without fruit. ;)
Interesting technique. I still have to mull over it and see if i want to apply it anywhere.
I am a tea drinker. Well, i kind of go back and forth between coffee and tea.
I am on the look out for ways to make my own tea. But i'm really in love with the black tea that buy from the store, and i haven't looked into whether i can grow it here myself with any success.
I'm planning to try...