The bottle apparently said 2 hours would be good.
And yes, it should have something on it. It used to have a well-house. But the well house was moldy and termitey and spider filled and too small to allow my husband actually inside of it to have access to the pump to make repairs.
Thanks, Journey! :) I think so too.
We're really trying to think of ways to use the wood to add some great features to our landscaping and future renovations. Thanks for the idea though. I do have another one that i think has been sitting too long for me to use it for landscaping, but...
He said he had to chisel the broken piece out of the part that goes into the well. We're waiting for the glue to dry right now. So we'll know soon whether we get to take showers tomorrow. :D
I love that you mentioned planters. We were standing outside a long time talking about ways we can...
O.k. thanks.
I did some reading on that thread, and now i think i get it.
I kept wondering how in the world you could put more water in there. But that's what the straw's for, right?
I don't mean to be cyber-dense, but i didn't see any pictures at that link. =)
How does a five-gallon bucket and a collander become a self-watering planter?
It is a dreaded day that has long been coming - the day the trees start coming down - and then it was cut short.
Last weekend, my husband got his early Christmas present - a chain saw.
The small group of trees keeping us from gardening on one side of the property were slated for destruction a...
That might be a better question for BYC, but i remember reading that higher protein during a molt helps them not to drain their nutritional resources - and i imagine to molt more efficiently. Scrambled/boiled eggs, etc., can help boost their protein. I have a friend who had success with calf...
Oh Thank you both!
That's exactly the kind of advice i needed.
Blackthumb, after you thaw them for two hours, do you bake them the normal time and temperature?
Jojo, i hope one day that our trees start producing, and we can have all those wonderful pies year round too. How wonderful!
I'm thinking about Christmas. And i have fresh fruit now. So i'm thinking about making the whole pie - crust and everything - and then freezing it without baking so i can pull it out on the 23rd and bake it.
But i've never done this before. Has anyone else? The one i'm thinking about now...