This was my first year for carrots, & I definitely did not plant enough!! I only have about 3-4 left out in my raised bed, & the frost doesn't seem to faze them in the least. They took a lot of attention to get going (I covered the seeds with wet newspaper until they sprouted, it took about 2...
I would definitely not throw them away...a purpose will come to you when you least expect it. :)
We still kick ourselves that we've thrown away old windows, once we realized we could've used them for a greenhouse. (Luckily, DH had someone who was remodeling give him about 8 old windows so now...
I'm looking for recommendations on melons that do well in a hot, humid climate (besides the usual watermelons & cantelope). I read the thread about the Asian melons from Baker Creek (yes, I'm getting sucked in by the pretty pictures ;) ); Rich Sweetness & Sakata's Sweet were suggested, I think...
Yeah, I've been told that! ;) Problem is, I've had no success growing them from seed, & the nurseries here don't have any seedlings out anymore! :(
hoodat - what are potato onions?? :hu
I turned one of my compost piles yesterday & found bunches of big fat grubs, too. I was going to pick them out & give the chickies a treat, then I thought about hoodat's comment that they might be more useful where they are, so I left 'em. Sorry chickies! :lol:
Broccoli. Tooooo frustrating. Never have gotten an edible floret; the chickens won't even eat 'em! :P
Taters covered by straw instead of dirt. Nada, nothing, bubkis! :(
I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs
I have a chicken who acted like that earlier this year. Just went "catatonic." Just stood for hours, staring into space, not eating or walking around. I put her in a crate in my house, & she just got better on her own, & is still with me. Who knows...? :idunno