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  1. I

    Victorio versus Squeezo Strainers

    I only have experience with the Victorio, & it was many years ago. I used to borrow it from my neighbor whenever I canned tomato products of one sort or another. It was metal, however; I can only imagine the plastic ones breaking constantly. :rolleyes: However, I can say that it was well worth...
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    total garden newbie! many questions!

    Hi dwbonfire87! Welcome, from a fellow Tar Heel! :frow Wow, those are a lot of questions, so I will leave most of them to folks here who have much more expertise than I do. Tomatoes - how early did you plant? We had some temps in the 30's a week or so ago. 'Maters can be sensitive to cold...
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    Composting corn husks?

    My BIL gave me a large bag of corn husks, assuring me "of course you can compost them!" (he's also given me peanut shells & whole lemon rinds). :rolleyes: I'm thinking they would take forever to compost unless shredded into small pieces...or am I mistaken?
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    Are radishes ready?

    I wish I had read your post sooner, I pulled up one ready to bolt - nuffin! Shoulda just left it. :rolleyes:
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    Are radishes ready?

    Since I planted them for DH, I had him eat the one I pulled up...his opinion? "On the money, baby!" :lol: Looks like 2 of mine are ready to bolt, too, vfem, so I may as well go ahead & pull those up too...maybe I'll get lucky. :)
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    Oh No!! FROST this morning!!!

    I covered up my newly-sprouted bean plants, they were the only ones I was worried about. Everything came out okay. :D
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    Welcome! :frow
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    Are radishes ready?

    I was hoping there was a simple test, like the greens start to flower or something. :) I only planted about 20, so didn't want to pull any up unless I knew they were ready. But...I did pull one up this morning, it was about the size of a large marble ("boulder" sized, for those of a certain...
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    How warm for carrots to sprout?

    I covered mine with a layer of newspaper as someone (hoodat?) suggested & they all (eventually) sprouted. It did take about 2 1/2 weeks for the first batch, which I started in February. When they were about an inch or so tall, I started another batch, which only took about 10 days to sprout, so...
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    Are radishes ready?

    I haven't grown radishes since I was a do I know if they're "ripe" without pulling them out of the ground & thereby ruining them if they aren't ready? Some appear to have a rounded red top sticking out of the ground, others don't. :/
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    WHOOOHOOO!! My bush beans came up!!!!

    I had to plant my beans twice before anything came up - then only 4 of the 7! :/ Someone (vfem?) mentioned wrapping the seeds in wet paper towels & let them germinate that I'm trying that too! :)
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    Questions about romaine lettuce

    Yeah...then when it's in the 90's every day for 3 months & you're DYING for a salad, all your lettuce has already bolted!! Aaargh! :/ :rolleyes:
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    Hose rant

    There ya go, hoodat! Got any preschoolers around...? :lol:
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    I neat trick I devised for sowing teeny, tiny seeds...

    Edited: sorry, I asked a question that you DID answer - I just didn't read far enough! :)
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    Supposed to be 92 degrees today

    It's supposed to be 86 today but 67 tomorrow! :/
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    Questions about romaine lettuce

    Yesterday I had a salad of romaine, green leaf (Grand Rapids), red leaf (Red Sails), & spinach...all from snipping outer leaves. Sorry, couldn't resist the brag! :lol:
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    Hello! I'm new! :-)

    I'm very thankful to have other Southern gardeners here (especially vfem! ;)) because gardening here is so much different than what I was used to "up North" (the intense heat, the clay soil, etc.). I know you'll learn a lot! :D
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    Hello! I'm new! :-)

    :frow Welcome! I'm couple of hours north of you! :D
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    :sick Lovely! I use the baited-bag fly traps too...when it gets real hot I have to put out a new one every week. But they do work. do you get rid of the biting flies?? They are driving me nuts!! :barnie