You've probably noticed there are a lot of North Americans on this forum, so we have a wiiiiiiide variation of climates. So, those of us in the South have our strawberries in, but those poor folks in NY or Canada...wellll...:rolleyes: :lol:
I'm a huge dog lover! Murphy is SO cute! :love
The W/M here have strawberries in smaller pots for $2, so I got some of those...with blossoms already! :)
Also $3.33 for single 'mater plants...HOWEVER...they were selling ...ummm..."rejects" for $1.67 (4 packs with double plants in 1 section & none in the 4th, etc) so I scooped some up...
I picked some arugula yesterday - my first pickins of the season! :celebrate
(Well, not counting my bunching onions, but they grew all winter. :rolleyes:)
I had to break down & buy some red leaf lettuce from Walley World, as I couldn't find seeds anywhere around here. $1.65 for a 4-pack.
I might have to buy 'maters & peppers, seeds failed miserably! :(
AmyRey, you are reading my mind ;)...I have 4 tater plants up, & noticed some have dark brown (kinda scorched-looking) leaves, & wondered if the frost got 'em...their container is right next to the lettuce bed, so they got partially covered by a sheet the last time it got cold...:/
Wow, I'm sorry you had such poor results after all that hard work. :(
My plan also was to start everything from seed this year, either directly or starting inside with peat pots & seed starter. Of those in the pots, the cukes did the best. The broc came up but are spindly. The 'maters & peppers...
Wow, that's tough!! :( I'm not putting mine out til next you said, we have a frost advisory for tomorrow morning, so I'm paranoid! (When I lived in VT, I planted my 'maters Memorial Day weekend (so, around May 25-ish)...naturally there was frost on June 1st! Killed them all & I had...
FWIW, AmyRey, I understand what you're asking (even if I can't answer!!)...I have read about sooooo many different ways to grow taters that I am thoroughly confused. :barnie
So, I am doing one patch in a container covered with straw, & one in a raised bed that I will hill with compost...& see...
BIL/SIL have bought trees from Big Lots before that did really well, but like you, they were ornamental, not fruit.
I bought my pear tree at 1/2 price from Home Depot (so, like $15, I think) because it was the end of the season...but, depending on where you are, you may not want to wait...