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  1. Tutter

    Prickly Pear Cactus AMAZING

    The ones we have here are a different variety, of course, and slightly different than ours in the south part of the state, but both have lavender flowers. The jelly is a nice by-product. :)
  2. Tutter

    Heading over to the dark side folks!

    Congratulations! :) What breeds will you be getting in August? :)
  3. Tutter


    I'm sorry, but common names differ from place to place, and I'm not sure what type of plants you mean... Do you know another name for them? :)
  4. Tutter

    garlic(if its not an herb, its close enough)

    Some large heads can give 8 nice cloves for planting. (Eat the smaller ones.) So, just for argument's sake, pretend you planted 1 year keepers, and ate a head a week. You would need 6-12, depending on size, heads to take cloves from to plant 48 of them, figuring from 4-8 great cloves per head...
  5. Tutter

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    Yes, that should do it! :) I, too, use cold water for pickles. Today we made a couple of pints of kumquat marmalade for the ice box, but in a few days we are going to go and get about 10 more lbs., I hope, and those I will actually can. :)
  6. Tutter

    Aspargus beds

    That would be both a plus, and minus... If I was there, you'd probably start cooking it in secret in a closet or something; no problems with me eating my share of asparagus, and anyone elses who doesn't protect their share! :D That's great that you can cook at work, Karan! How many prisoners do...
  7. Tutter

    FALL Gardening!

    Generally we plant a lot of brassicas/cabbage family, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower....though not much, it's kind of greedy, collards....lots of those, kale, brussel sprouts etc. plus carrots and garlic. They do well, and taste better for the cold weather. However, every year it's like...
  8. Tutter


    What a pretty plant! I've never had twins; that's interesting, thanks for showing it to us! :)
  9. Tutter


    Here, Bills: :)
  10. Tutter

    To all you organic to kill the darn bugs???

    I meant if you followed what Oakland said, which was to: "This fall till the ground around them to expose overwintering cocoons." :) Ooooo, do tell! *Pulling up a chair.* How many, what breed? :)
  11. Tutter

    Size VS Time

    You're right, it does depend. For me, on what stage the garden is in. There's a crazy time at first, then, for me anyway, a really laid back maintenence period, then a time of getting produce quickly which needs to have something done with it, then starting fall seeds. But, there are ball...
  12. Tutter

    Winter soil amendment

    That's true, they can really vibrate! I guess each person has their own limitations, and should know them. If one can hand dig and a tiller isn't able to be used, they they hand dig. Or vice versa. Or, better yet, get someone else to do it! :D
  13. Tutter

    To all you organic to kill the darn bugs???

    That would be a good time to let the hens out of jail to till and eat what they can find, too! :)
  14. Tutter

    Has anyone used their greenhouse in the summer to dry/dehydrate foods?

    That's an interesting thought! I don't see why not, since we dry outside under screens. How's the humidity, though? Maybe using fans would be helpful? Good question, it'll be interesting to see what answers come in on this! :)
  15. Tutter

    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    Thank you so much, that sounds really good! The only thing I'd change, is not using jars. I have a fear of glass in the freezer after my uncle had one burst when he took it out (There was soup in it.) and he had a massive stroke from being cut. But I could use other containers easily. I should...
  16. Tutter

    What did you pick today?

    Wow, great harvest, Oakland! Sounds like stir fry to me! (I like tomatillos in my summer stir fries!) Well, all except for the beetles, of course. :D That Yoga must be working already! ;) Who gets the turnip greens, the chickens? I'm sorry you've been working so hard, though. I hope that you...
  17. Tutter

    Marianna's Peace Tomatoes

    Yes, I have! :) It's also a good accelerator; put it into your compost pile! :)
  18. Tutter

    Aspargus beds

    Do either of you saute or stir fry them? (Wok) Cut on the extreme bias into bite sized pieces. They brown a bit, and are very good. I saute them with 1" long red bell pepper strips and make either the start of something to go over rice, or to go over pasta. You can add chicken, or not, it...
  19. Tutter

    cheyenne pepper

    That should cover it! :)
  20. Tutter

