I know this isn't helpful now, but planting some sunflowers next year may help. They attract cucumber beetles. You just take them off of them.
I'm sorry for the problem you're having.
You would want to plant cover crops anywhere in the garden where something's not growing, then till it in, in the spring. (Or another month, if it's a summer cover crop.) It is very good for improving the soil for anything which will grow there next.
Working well aged compost from the chickens...
Okay, thanks, I thought it was new, as I'd not come across it until now. I thought it had been longer than a minute for me to click a new topic, read, click reply, type, and hit the reply button.....I must be getting faster in my old age! lol! ;)
That sounds good, Blurose! :)
Oakland, you find heat makes them sweeter? What kind of temperatures are you talking about? I almost stopped growing cukes entirely because when it got hot, the fruit was not good at all. But because it was fine on either end of the heat, I grow them most years after all.
Yes, there are a lot...
Since you like garlic, I'd give garlic chives a whirl. When you mince chives for a baked potato, you would get a nice flavor. :)
I didn't know anyone didn't like olives....I've actually never met anyone who doesn't like any form of olive. Hmmmmm.
Well, what are you growing elsewhere? What would you like more of? If you go from starts, you can grow most things....giant, eh? What about corn?
You can try many warm weather plants, aside from ones that really won't be ready by frost. :)
I like to garden before the heat of the day, and at the end of the day, when it's cooler. If that's midnight, so be it. Been there and done that.
There are shade dealys which might work for you. Stick 4 posts in the ground, and there's a cloth top. They are a good size, better than an umbrella...
Hi, again! :)
Well, with horses and chickens, you can make some great compost of your own! :)
Congratulations on your upcoming arrival!
As you go, just ask whatever questions come to mind, and we'll try to answer them for you!
Again, welcome! :)
Hi, FLChook, it's good to see you here! :coolsun
You will want to till the soil beneath the raised bed, so that the roots can go into it easily.
As for compost, most plants can grow in compost, or you can mix soil in compost, maximizing your compost.
I do wonder about compost from the dump...
Weclome, Toots! :happy_flower
There can be many reasons for that, and high heat is one.
Have they been getting good, even watering? How is the fertility of the soil? Were these plants, or seeds, when you got them? Was a variety listed?
I've got 2 things to add.
1 ~ Make sure your colander can go into boiling water. I know, it sounds obvious, but....
2 ~ And secondly, you can try growing purple/red beans sometime. Read up on the variety, but the ones I've had have a built in par-cook timer. When they turn green...they're...
I use mine for other things, as well. Such as for faster cooking. I have a smaller pressure cooker, but for large batches, my pressure canner can't be beat.
Also, if you ever have to heat a lot of water using the stove, that does it much more quickly, and in a good sized amount, plus keeps it...
Thank you, Punkin! I love green tomatoes pickled! But I've never had them done like this. The ones I eat are generally whole, or halved, with salt brine, garlic and dill, I believe. I'll have to try these! :)
Did someone say biscuits and blackberry jam/jelly? Sheesh, I'm still waiting for dinner! lol!
I have to be patient about another month for my blackberries, then I'm going to wish I had about 20 people to help pick! :rolleyes: :)
Have you used any yet? :)