Mostly herbs today, as this heat is giving my garden fits. But the basil and chives are some of the best I've ever had. I'm definitely taking this basil to seed just for myself! :)
I love my Foxfire books! :)
Pat, I've never put up my own pectin. I use the fruit in with things to help them set, but never made pectin. If you get a free moment (I know, I know!) ;) would you share how you do it, or point me to a recipe that seems like yours? :)
That all depends. The way I see it, you have 2 choices.
A ~ Do what my husband does and use one finger to check the root size carefully.
B ~ Do what I do, and pull one! :D
Also, remember, it depends on what size you want them. Small ones for steaming whole, or larger ones for slicing to...