I haven't heard that, but then again, I don't think we have them here. If you do decide to do that, make sure it's organic grape jelly. Preservatives and sugars are so bad for birds. Or maybe you could just go with grapes? ;)
Huh? That doesn't make any sense! Harvesting rain is illegal? How does a rain barrel affect peope in Nebraska, etc.?
My whole set up cost me $50. The next one will be cheaper, because it wi be an overflow barrel, so I won't need another flexible downspout. I also found a source for free...
I concur. I killed my garden twice (and completey gave up on even starting a garden one year). So far, I have learned so much from all those idiot mistakes I made, and the garden is thriving for it. :celebrate
I like making mistakes. How else do we learn?
I put a rain barrel together! Check my blog for a photo/video of it. I am so glad this project is finally done! Let the rain collecting begin! Thanks to ranchhand's suggestion, I found a barrel for $20 in the classifieds. Yay!:celebrate
Good stuff.
Aha! I knew you lived somewhat near me from the vegetation in the background. I'm in Charleston, SC. :) Thank goodness it's cooled down a little today, huh? I can't believe it was as hot as it's been.
I'll really look forward to seeing your crop now, since we're in the same area.
Oh how fun! Praying mantises are our state insect, and I just love them. I am going to buy an eggcase for the garden soon, if I don't find one like you did. :)
Great photos, by the way. :D
I second the zucchini. I am mad that I didn't plant more. :he
I just tried the blossoms for the first time today (sauteed in butter and had them over pesto pasta). DELICIOUS! :thumbsup I would plant a few plants just to have more blossoms of I could. If you like zucchini, this is the way to go...
I didn't use any fertilizer beside sthe compost that's dug in already. I have never used fertilizer, I think I just have really good soil! :D
I went out last night and discovered a whole bunch of female flowers (finally!), so I'm hoping it's going to start concentrating on fruit production...
Oh, lovely!
I have spiderwort in my yard, too. Same colors!
I am insanely jealous of your gorgeous pitcher plants. One of these days I will have a bog garden full of them.
I also love staghorn fern, and *almost* bought one this year, but then decided I didn't have the time to dedicate to...
I have a friend who is into the veggie garden thing - unfortunately she has a green thumb for indoor plants, but a black one for outdoor plants. :/
I do remember her talking about broccoli in the winter, and I remember thinking, "really? NOW?" I will have to look into it for sure. I was planning...
Hmm... this must be a European thing. My parents (German) never ate catfish when I was growing up because "they are bottom-feeders and taste muddy."
Since I've lived in South Carolina for the past 9 1/2 years, I've come to love a good, fried catfish. I'm not sure what my parents were talking...
Thank you, everyone, for your great replies! I will hold off on the zuke and see if it stops growing soon. It's already pretty big - bigger than I thought it would get.
I can't let it crowd the other stuff too much, last year we lost our zukes to a fungus because it was too crowded.
I am looking...