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  1. N

    horse radish shade no shade?

    Thanks for all the info. My gram warned me about the wild running of it so I have been thinking of growing it in a old backhoe tire placed in the corner of the garden. Does that sound like it would be okay?
  2. N

    horse radish shade no shade?

    okay I just got 4 horseradish plants in half gallon pots at an Amish sale last week. My question is shade, some shade, no shade? Even though I can remember it on my pop's farm, my husband's pop's farm, even at my mom and dad's growing up. The horseradish is no longer at any of these places and...
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    dwarf or standard?

    a friend of mine that has a tree farm told me that if you just trim them to the height you want and fertilize them and care for them well standards will do fine.
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    hedge roses suggestions?

    thanks guys I want to make sure I get something that will work well. :)
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    hedge roses suggestions?

    okay I am looking for some hedge roses, preferably fast growing, a lot of flowers and a nice strong scent. Any suggestions? I am in zone 5
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    saving squash seeds how do you do it?

    ug :/ the butternut ones got cooked. Lesson learned the stove top is not a good idea. I have two more left I can save the seeds out of those. I have to get this figured out soon. I am suspose to save the seeds from my son's giant pumpkins, that buy the way did nto get that giant this year. But...
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    saving squash seeds how do you do it?

    thanks I will try to spout a few and make sure they did not cook!
  8. N

    saving squash seeds how do you do it?

    okay so I cleaned some of the squash my mil gave us and fixed then for supper. I wanted to save some of the seeds for planting next year. I washed them to get most of the guts off then and dried them on newspaper on paper plates on the stove top as I baked the squash in the oven. So the stove...
  9. N

    personalized hand painted glass ornaments $15 +sh byc members deal

    HI guys for years I painted ornaments professionally until the passed two when my father fell ill then passed away. I have decided to once again start painting. So I thought I would start advertising my services here. I will paint ANY pet, house (great first home owners presents), vehicle...
  10. N

    ground hog rant

    Well I have shot three ground hogs in 2 days at the new farm. I have some apple trees still in their burlap and the BIG one keeps knocking them over and eating the leaves and chewing through the burlap and chewing on the root balls. I have been trying to get him for weeks while we are working...
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    Why night gardening is dangerous

    hope your okay! this is why I use a coon light when I decide that I am gonna work outside while everyone else is sleeping.
  12. N

    Anyone have a Blackberry wine recipe??

    1 quart of berries 1 quart of warm water 1 lb of sugar pinch of yeast
  13. N

    What animals are you Gardening with?

    we have chickens, ducks, guineas, horses and goats, I love having the poo and bedding from all for compost. The birds we have also make great bug eaters too, but their scratching and dusting can be a pain and down right terrible when it is in amongst freshly planted plants.
  14. N

    New Garden Fence - pics

    wow that is really really nice. I hope that my new garden will look that nice, but we wont even be able to break ground on it til fall probably. I love the gate and walk leading to the garden it is really beautiful.
  15. N

    sprouting grapes will these grow?

    okay so we had to cut back my mom's drive way which also happens to now be the end of lane wide enough to get our new 16 ft wide house trailer in. In the process all of the wild fox glove grapes that I can remember eating on my walk home from the buss stop as a kid got cut So a gather all the...
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    Dandelion flowers...How do YOU eat them?

    We make wine out of them. 1 qt of dandelion heads, 1qt warm water 1lb sugar pinch of yeast.
  17. N

    Integrating SFG into existing landscape?

    Since you are in a farm/ rustic theme already you can do the old farm thing and build stone hedge row walls. Like those you would see on an only farm dividing the fields. Just make them on smaller scale. That is what we are doing for all our gardens and flower beds.
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    rain water collection - suggestions? UPDATE!

    wifevilla do you mean like an old wringer washer? How did you do it and how did it look when it came out?
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    Impulse Buy: Coleus

    Don't forget to pinch out the flowers so the the foliage grows and flourishes. The plants are all about the gorgeous foliage not the tiny little flower heads.
  20. N

    flowering crabapple in a raised bed?

    That was what I was thinking, a nice small pruned single trunk tree. Giving partial shade under it in the rest of the bed for the woodland type flowers/ plants beneath. :/ Boy if this works out like I have in my head I think it will look great.