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    In NEPA here currently in Summer Hill outside of Berwick, but moving over the mountain to Jonestown over the summer.
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    as soon as the ground thaws enough I have 16 fruit trees to go in. :D
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    looking for inspiration

    okay so here is the thing, I am in zone 5 in NEPA and here is my problem. Where our new homestead ( the house portion) is going is a recently clear cut timbered 2 acres or so. I want to make the yard and area surrounding my chicken coop fit in with the rest of the property which is still for...
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    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    started at byc, now I am here and sufficient self too! When the weather breaks hopefully I wont be in the house very much :D so I will have to check the sites at night I guess.
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    Just bought home from buying fruit trees!

    At our local big lots they were $14 each for the fruit trees and The cheapest ones that they have at our local Walmart are $20 for apples and up for everything else. Lowes and Home Depot dont have theirs in yet as of yesterday.
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    questions about composted saw dust

    It should be good for raspberries do to the acidicness of it. I am not sure how strawberries would like it though.
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    Please Excuse The Dust :)

    LOL I am glade I was not the only one. But I really like it and was like wow look at all the info :ep
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    Just bought home from buying fruit trees!

    I wish that they had grannys here I would have gotten two. no dogwoods this year either. They had them last year though.
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    Just bought home from buying fruit trees!

    I like gala apples for eating :)
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    Just bought home from buying fruit trees!

    believe it or not I got them at the local big lots (the one in Bloomsburg On rt. 11)$14 each. I am pretty sure that most of them get them in. And they are from the same nursery that supplies Lowes, Walmart and home depot I think, I know it was in years past. I think I am gonna go back and get a...
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    in house worm box.. I took the plunge!

    hmmm I can put a bigger one in the bathroom :D
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    Just bought home from buying fruit trees!

    I am so excited that I just have to share. We just got home from buying more fruit trees for the new farm. :ya Okay here is what we got.... 2 Elberta peaches 2 Red Haven peaches 2 Dwarf Mt. Royal Plums 2 Winesap Apples 2 McIntosh Apples 1 Joanthan (? spelling) Apple 1 Melrose Apple and we got...
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    in house worm box.. I took the plunge!

    Thanks! I put some holes in the lid do you think that will be enough? I never thought of using old aquariums.
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    Raised beds, watering system & pavers are finished

    oooooo so pretty :drool
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    Another horse manure question

    there are many seeds that horses do not break down all they way, so they pass right through and produce some not wanted plants in your gardens. I good tip to stop this is to make sure the manure you use on your beds has sat at least one growng season so that any unwanted that are going to sprout...
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    in house worm box.. I took the plunge!

    okay you guys convinced me, so I got a empty coffee can off my gram and bought a can of worms. So tonight I put it all together with newspaper bedding. I am so excited to see how they do. I plan if they do well and multiply then I will make a bigger home for them and then keep a few on the...
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    Gardening with small children

    That is a really cool idea! oooo make sure you get one of those little wheelbarrows that they have at places like Coles hardware. They are perfect size for your little one and they are made really well so they last too. My son who is 5 has had his two years now. It is still in really good shape...
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    Advise needed on planting potatoes in plastic 55 gallon drums

    the-metal-peddler- this is such a cool idea I will have to give it a try this year since it is not like most of the new garden will probably be ready for planting anyway. Thanks for posting the great tip!
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    Advise needed on planting potatoes in plastic 55 gallon drums

    I heard that they make it super easy to harvest the tatters cause you just pull the top tires off and set the aside and the dirt and tatters simply fall out. I have never tried it. Don't know why cause heaven knows there is enough used tires laying around.
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    Moon Gardens, anyone?

    I also have a some butter yellow lilies I have no clue what they are, they were given to me buy a lady I sell eggs too. She got them from he sister. They too seem to be really fragrant at night. And mt Star gaziers seem to hold their fragrance well. There is one rose called a magenta, it is...