If you are concerned about your rain ph run a simple water test on it from you local hardware store or ask at your local ag office if you should be concerned they are usually a great help.
I would run a drip hose system for veggies off your barrel(s). They are really simple to set up and...
If you are confident that the land is okay I say go for it.
Personally I think some people don't realize that their are fokes that know their new land before it was ever theirs. You sound like you are in a similar situation as we are currently, we are moving in the summer to where are new farm...
check out Casablanca lilies. They are a gorgeous large white lily with a strong fragrance in the evening or early night, I notice that mine are strongest for the first few hours after nightfall.
metal roofs are much safer for rain collection then shingled or roller roofing roofs. The tar used in them can leach some pretty nasty stuff. Check with your local ag office or even a local conservation group they can tell you a lot of details for your area. What do you plan on using your rain...
Okay so there is no reason to be rude! It was a question, I had read it in a few orcharding book from the 80-90's as well as had the local apple orchard tell me this was the case. I was wondering if that was truthfully the case or not. I personally do not have either because I think there are...
my hubby's grandfather who just passed away in September use to make me so mad, his entire garden for the past few years has been in five gal buckets on the back porch. He had beautiful plants and tons of veggies.
He planted his potatoes in the buckets in just straw no dirt, the grew huge...
this is great! I am getting a nice list of things to try on a trellis' in the new garden. I can't wait til spring gets here and I can actually do something productive outside. Teasing days like today are just mean, when it looks sunny and beautiful out and you get out there and it is friged.
I use soaker hoses attached to a rain barrel for my garden as well as my flowerbeds. Works great! I open the hose bib when I want to water and let them run for a few hours off the barrels and then close then when I am done to let the barrels refill the next time it rains.
I have got to give worm farming a try this is driving me nuts. Is it really as easy as you guys make it sound? I primarily want to do it as another/ better way to make compost.
If I use a folgers can how do I care for the worms? Can I give them shredded newspaper? I am completely clueless to this and would love to give it a try. The local middle school has been doing a project with worm boxes but I can't seem to figure out who to contact to get info on them through...
okay what veggies have you had success with growing on a trellis? I am sure that you can easily grow cucs on a trellis as well as beans and peas. But what other veggies can you save space by growing them on a trellis? How about acorn squash? Please let me know what you have found works and what...
I have boughten ones as well as wild ones in red and black.
Mulch around them in the fall with sawdust to improve your acidity and help protect them from poor weather during their hibernation. They need water must not drowned, it they get to moist they will rot, and would rather be a little...
I agree with momofdrew I would also say that they use boughten shavings not sawdust which compacts quickly. You will want to keep an eye on your acidity levels though if you use compost from sawdust or shavings. It is great for raspberries and blueberries, but other things not so much. You may...