Well atleast if he has to pay for them maybe he wont mow them off next time ? :rolleyes: You may want to as a local grower if you have any near you . Sometimes they will sell you some of their baby plants for a decient price. And they are usually pretty good ones too.
burgess.com sells what they call a postage stamp orchard. It is planted in a 10x20 space and is designed to need no extra fruit trees for pollination. It includes a red and yellow delicious apples, elberta peach, Kieffer pear, north star cherry, and a dwarf nectarine. All are dwarf trees. You...
pickeled ones are great!! I like to mix the green snap beans and yellow wax's together when I do them, makes for a nice look. You should really try it, if you like pickeled veggies you will enjoy them.
HI I have some extra veggie seeds that I was wondering if anyone would want to trade for. This is a list of what I have and what I would really like but basicly let me know what you have to offer and I will probabaly be more then happy to trade. I am looking to swap evenly for extras you may...
I love the half dead racks. It all comes down to if it is cheap enough you can take the risk to try to bring it back. And usually with alittle time and love you can. We bought a mess of fruit trees a few years back at of all places big lots $12 each for 5fts. Then bought some $45 ones at a...
I know exactly what you are going through!!!! We have the same thing here. Last summer we hauled scrap out of here every weekend atleast two truck loads a day. We have already started hauling it out again since the snow melted. We are getting down to just junk though, glass and things like old...
Yea I have comsidering downsizing it for atleast the first few years. To see what will and will not work. I kindof though that we might grow the fish over summer harvest all at one time and freeze them since we buy forzen fillets anyway. So we are use to cooking them from frozen now not...
our thing is not really about the cost of food as it is about the safty of boughten food now days. We try to buy from the local farmers, our neighbors as much as we can. But this time of year for most things that is not really an option. But they did just open another farmers market...
yea the power bill thing is something we are trying to reduce. The pannels were not 60 watters but $60 each. That's what made then so appealing was the low price. We have a local tractor store that a family owned store the size of the big corprate TSC stores in our area. They sells stuff like...
Yup that will help get more of their energy to their roots for the first vital establishment year. Inturn this will increase your chances of them making it and making it well from the first into second year. By their second season in thier new home you should be fine for letting them go to fruit.
pine needles- they have a great acidity rate and decomp really well. Use them for mulch around all your berries. They keep the soil moist and the weeds down, as the decomp they will raise your soils acid rate. They do not like weeds! for good berries you want to keep them as weed or grass...
Not discourageing at all Doc that is why I was so glade I found this thread. Planning ahead like we are gives me enough time to figure out how to do it right.
lol I know what you mean about people doing things half a**ed. My hubby's side of the family all seems to be that way, I am still...
Thanks for the tips.:D
I was trying to figure out if solor pannel lighting would work to make up the difference for the lack of winter sunlight. They have pannels at our local tracto supply for 60 bucks right now. You know rig up a pannel /battery set up to work the grow lights? Maybe set it...
We are planning on building one this summer. Our idea is a 10x10 block building built into a large bank we have in our back yard. This way we can fill in around it and even possibly plant the roof with grass. There would be little excavating because it is basicly a strait drop off anyway...
HI Doc,
I just posted another thread about a hoping to build winter garden in a greenhouse, before I found this. IF you could would you take a look and tell me what you think? But I have no idea of what I am trying to do but you sound like you might be able to give me some really, really good...
Okay here is the thing I live in nepa. Is there anyone with a similar climate that grows a winter garden in a green house? I am thinking of looking into doing this as a next step to being alittle more sistainable.
We are thinking of putting a greenhouse in two summers from now (2010) after we...
Our family all grows their own patches and swaps plants. I have black and reds in my patch, hoping to get goldens this summer. My mother in law has blacks, reds and goldens. So husband's grand parents who have had theirs probably 20yrs or so. We all grow all of them, gold red and black in the...
Okay here is the thing I want to make a worm bin. Possibly a small one ? Can I keep it under my kitchen counter or even on the counter? How do you care for one ? Could I build a small one to compost the things my chickens wont eat and then mix that compost with the stuff in my compost...