NOT LIME! lime will nutrlize the acidity you have. Try pine needles they have a high acidic rate. I put composted horse manure on mine in the spring they do fine and a bed of pine needlesl for mulch.
They will spred out for you but you should have a second plant for proper pollination so you...
I like to grow "sunspot" sunflowers for my chickens and for the wild birds. The get huge flowers some over 10 inches across but they only grow 2ft high which makes them really nice to grow in clumps or in the garden because you don't have to stake them.
Yea I am in NEPA, We are surrounded by woods and the hubbys grampa's farm. They, as well as the neighbors 1/4 mile away or so seem to have trouble with their water level every year. We have never had a problem. But we catching alot of flack from the grandparents about how much water we use for...
I grow mine all together, black, red raspberries and goldens, they do just find. Just keep and handle in the blackberries because the do spread rapidly which is fine if you are looking for a nice size patch and like makeing icecream or jam. :P
okay here is the thing. I have rain barrels that supply about 80% of my water for my gardens. I want to take this a step further and collect rain water to substise my water for my animals, and duck pond. Has anyone every tried this? I am sure the water for the aniamls to drink will need to be...
Sorry Nightshade, but the numbers show that we are actually living in one of the "cheapest food" societies EVER -- in the world today, and in the history of mankind. (Obviously, there are still people who are not spending lotsa money on funsies who genuinely do have trouble making ends meet --...
I deffently agree that we have expences that our partents didn't have. Just take a tip to the grocery store, everything costs more and that's not an blown out of proportion. Even the basics are a whole lot more then they were a year ago and people's incomes are not growing as fast as...
I am soo glade this subject came up. Even though my husband works in the geothermal heathing indestary for years the thought of being 100% independent has proven to be unrealistic. His heart just isn't in it as much as mine. I think alot f it is the upfront costs that is holding him back more...
I built one out of a 45gal plastic drum. Seems to work okay but takes longer then one would think to get to the finished rproduct. It also seems to dry out easly.:idunno
I know the feeling I push mow ours as well , around 1.5 acres. The closest thing DH does is eat the veggies, ect when they are ready.
If the sod thing works please let us know. I would like to try it for some places between paths/ flagstones. :) We have very little good soil to grow grass in...
LOL I am one of those that thinks you can never have enough tools. I can't go to a yard sale, flea market or auction with out bring another tool home.
Okay but seriously my favs are a good spade shovel, huge wheel barrow(or 2, 5 gal buckets depending on what I am doing) A three pronged digger...
I buy some seeds from a heriloom seed catalog. As well as buy some heriloom plants in spring. There usually is a much better selection in them. Ever year I devide and collect seeds from my plants that have been given to me by relatives, ect. That way I get more plants and it's free can't beat...
OKay so it wasn't really planting but it was a start. Today it was 52 degrees here and I built a 5x10 bed to grow watermellons in and also set up a wire and post tressis to tie my raspberries to this next sseason. Frankly it was just nice to forget it was January and not spring for a day. :)
I just got done asking my gram this last week. lol she says you grow them the same way you would a regular potato but that they like sandy soil. That you mix sand with your regular soil until it feels grittie, then its good for them. Make sure they stay covered cause the will get sun burned just...
As some one who had to build rasied beds from scratch 6 yrs ago beacuse our lot is all stone back fill. I have to say that honestly ALL of my flower beds are horse manure compost. No dirt or topsoil, just compost. And I have had great luck with it. Weather I am suspose to or not is another...
I was just wondering if anyone out there know how to make started pots? Like peat pots from old newspaper. In my one herb catalog there is a thing called a potmaker but frankly I know noone that has ever used one.
coffee grounds are great for anything that likes acidic soil. rodos , blueberries, roses, ect. I normally just compost mine filter and all. I have quit a few of them though cause I also get from my gram mother that uses 2-3 pots of coffee a day lol. :)