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  1. retiredwith4acres

    Tonights Meal

    We had fresh green beans, cucumbers, yellow tomatoes, summer squash casserole, and some grilled chicken breast for a wonderful meal. I LOVE garden fresh meals!!! Our early corn is tasseling and forming corn, half row potatoes dug and will leave the others as long as possible, so summer is on for...
  2. retiredwith4acres

    How deep do sweet potatoes grow?

    I put 5 sweet potatoes from last years crop into a glass of water each back in March. I would break off the sprouts when they got about 5-6 inches long. I then put them into another glass of water and left them there to develop more roots. When I got about 100 plants I put them into my hills...
  3. retiredwith4acres

    tiniest bees

    Not honeybees!
  4. retiredwith4acres

    How deep do sweet potatoes grow?

    We make a large hill about a foot high for our sweet potatoes.
  5. retiredwith4acres

    Black Bottomed Bees

    Just a little bit larger.
  6. retiredwith4acres

    Black Bottomed Bees

    The Russian strain of honey bee is black on end or much darker than the Italian bees that more people use.
  7. retiredwith4acres


    I have 6 buckeyes that are almost 8 weeks old and I really like them. I have been trying to raise them for two years now but lost to the raccoon last year. I got my eggs from a breeder and they are expensive. Good luck and I think you will be pleased with the buckeyes.
  8. retiredwith4acres

    Need someone reliable to buy hierloom seeds

    I will have to recommend: I ordered from her for the first time this year and have been very pleased. Not as big a selection but a third of the cost because she is one person operation with minimum packaging, etc. Definitely worth try for some things. I love Baker's...
  9. retiredwith4acres

    What is decapitating my unripe strawberries?

    Well, I got lots of berries but before I had finished with them something got into mine and wiped them completely out. We were gone for 4 days and my mother picked once during that time but within two days of returning home most all berries, ripe and green had disappeared. I had concluded that...
  10. retiredwith4acres

    Sad day on the farm...

    That happened to me once and is not fun at all. Also, turkey chicks are harder to get through the "young chick" stage anyway. Sorry!
  11. retiredwith4acres

    A tisket, a taskit, cukes are in the basket.

    Great! We have had 3 cukes! They are one of my granddaughters favorite vegetables so she enjoyed them for lunch today.
  12. retiredwith4acres

    First year for sweet potatoes

    That is how my mother said they stored them years ago, paper and/or straw between layers in the cellar or in the ground.
  13. retiredwith4acres

    Finally got bees

    Each of the three times I have had to go to the doctor with stings my arthritis has gotten better, but I can't say whether it was the bee sting or the shots the doctor gave me that helped it, wish I knew.
  14. retiredwith4acres

    My Garden Picture

    Lesa, just talked to Mom. She said she just blanches (brings to a boil), drains and then covers with ice and cools COMPLETELY, drains real good, bags, and freezes. In the South we cook our beans really good so that may be the thing. She puts the package still frozen into a pressure cooker with...
  15. retiredwith4acres

    My Garden Picture

    lesa, I will ask her! I really don't think she does anything much different but will find out. I know what you mean by feeding them to dogs. Mine are not very good either.
  16. retiredwith4acres

    Happy birthday...

    I remember those days, after I became addicted I hatch my own, but still get excited when they hatch. Have fun, but warning, it is addictive!
  17. retiredwith4acres

    Surprise, Surprise!

    So cute! Attached is a big word, right! I keep telling myself that about these 30 or so chickens I plan to process in a few weeks. In fact, I think I will hire this young former neighbor to come and do the killing for me. lol
  18. retiredwith4acres

    First year for sweet potatoes

    Moxie, have you sliced the sweet potato as french fries, tossed with olive oil, and baked at 425* for about 10-12 minutes. Almost like french fried without the bad oil.
  19. retiredwith4acres

    Finally got bees

    Two of our new hives are 8 frame, got them from my son who has quit beekeeping because he had to move. I just can't manage a full super unless a HAVE to situation. A friend in our bee club and her husband are changing out all 30 of their hives to 8 frame because of their age and health. Our...