OK, I am not going to complain about DH helping because he has saved me so much work. BUT, he has 3 "antique" Gravely walk behind tractors with attachments. Talk about LOUD! He wears ear muffs! I don't have any. But it doesn't take him long and it works the ground so perfectly! It would take Mom...
The reason we didn't get honey until now, first year you leave for a new hive to get through the winter, second year was a bad nectar year, third year we got some but not a lot because we had lost one of two hives during the winter, last year was another bad nectar year in that a drought came...
Thanks all! Don't know why but it has been the easiest garden I have made in a while. Just the right amount of rain at the right time (getting dry right now), having time to keep it worked, and feeling good this summer helps.
The beans will be frozen, Mom does a wonderful job with that. Mine...
Here is a picture of our garden. I was told yesterday it was the prettiest around. I will have to say it is the nicest garden I have ever had. Took Mom, DH, and myself with decent weather to get it to this place. Corn is even tasseling, eating potatoes, peas, cabbage and more, and beans are...
We have a couple hundred plants out in the ground. They do like room to grow. We made large ridges to plant them in and still probably got them too close. As was said before, plant in May and dig right before or day after first frost. The sweets stored better for us this year than the whites. I...
Looking good! Good luck! I am hoping to get honey in the next week or two. We have had them for 4 years and this may be the first time to really get any honey much. Of course, things could happen between now and actually getting the honey into jars. We got about 30 half pints (gave to friends)...
After researching I have found this site which helps a lot with lavender. I even want to try cutting for new plants now.
I have one lavender plant and it has died around the bottom on the woody part but has bloomed and looks pretty at the top. How much can I prune this bush when it finishes blooming and not kill the entire plant?
Thanks Marshall, I was wondering about when to plant. With our last frost usually mid October and back 3 months, that puts mid July. We will have dug potatoes by then and have some room to plant and don't think we will need 5 rows for turnips and greens so will have plenty of room to sow some...
Mom, DH, and I worked in the garden last night (late afternoon) and I will have to say our garden is one of the nicest around. We fertilized and added some more lime to some things. I chopped out the biggest corn for probably the last time, waist high, then put in another dozen sweet potato...
We have two large raised beds made with very old railroad ties but two smaller ones made from regular 2x10 regular pine and stacked two up. We saw some kits at a nursery last month with some made of hemlock. We were also afraid of the treated wood even though it isn't as bad as it once was. Of...
Tomatoes are what summer is all about, isn't it?!!! Fresh, juicy tomatoes, heaven. I have eaten about a dozen Sungold tomatoes and they have been wonderful. Just waiting for that tomato ready for slicing. I was surprised last night to find some really good size green ones on one plant, about the...
We put out a dozen hills of watermelon, one of my favorite things. Brings a funny memory to service. My father loved growing melons and he loved giving them away. Mad man though the time he gave a bunch to someone and they went out and sold them. He said a few choice words and about all the...