I found your blog page, thank you. It did actually set last night. The one jar I was monitoring was a bit more runny than the others, no idea why. We're eating that one, now. It's seriously delicious.
I made another batch today, only took me 90 minutes this time!
Did my first canning today! Helped someone do some dilly beans, then did my own blueberry jam when I got home. Pretty nervous about the jam, it's still really liquidy even though I followed the recipe to a T. If it doesn't set I'll just tell everyone I was making ice cream topper instead of jam.
I'm going to someone's house tomorrow to learn how to can (never did it before and I'd rather see it done once before I attempt it... see one, do one, teach one, right?) and then I have a date with some blueberries I picked this morning for some spiced blueberry jam. I'm terribly excited.
Nothing on my watermelon plants yet, the male flowers just started on the two moon and stars variety I have and NOTHING so far on the carolina cross. My 2 canteloupe plants (Sweet N Early) each have 8 decently sized fruit on them, about the size of a baseball right now.
This whole stretch of the year is hard for me... trying on my patience. First it's to start seeds, then get them in the ground then the wait for fruits and veggies. I've been waiting for red tomatoes... STILL don't have any. I started my "early" set of tomato seedlings inside 03.23. But it's...
Yours is only slightly smaller than mine and it's been in the ground, in a hoophouse, FOR TWO MONTHS.
I just got my first male flower on them about a week ago. I can see the beginnings of one female flower...
My neighbor had the audacity to ask me to give her one of my ducks to eat (after I had of course hatched it, raised it, cleaned its house and water daily, kept it warm in the winter, broke ice out of its tub, hauled buckets of hot water over ice and snow, then sadly killed it, plucked it and...
Thanks for bringing this thread back up. I planted celery this year on a whim - first time ever trying it. My seeds never sprouted the first try, but the second try I did good. All but one of my seedlings survived... I'm probably going to be overrun with celery. Nice to know some other things to...
Love it. Winter, summer, doesn't matter.
Winter squash is amazing stuffed with a sausage and onion stuffing and baked, then drizzled with maple syrup. Or if it's hubbard, I love it in pies, custard or pumpkin type. Summer yellow squash is amazing breaded and fried with onions. Zucchini makes...
I continue to try and get melons up here in the north. I planted early canteloupe this year, and it's actually doing pretty well. I have two plants in two different locations. Each plant has between 6 and 8 small melons on it - we're talking between golf and baseball sized. One of the plants has...
I did add Honey and Alley, just 'cause. If you're growing, you may win. Last year the biggest pumpkin was under 30 lbs, so everyone has a shot.
My hoop house side flew off in the wind yesterday and cracked my vine that just started vining.