Just wanted to state I tried this and have a cute little celery plant growing from my celery butt. It took about 2 weeks in the water before I had something I was "proud" of - now I've got to get it in the ground but have to check first, we are still getting below freezing at night. Thoughts...
My giant watermelon seeds didn't sprout... in fact when I touched one it exploded in my eye a disgusting mixture of rotting seed and putrid water. It was great.
Hopefully we all have better luck than that, and I'm going to wait at least another week to restart seed. My grow box is filled with...
I had no luck with my first celery seeds... I did them like I do all seeds, on damp paper towels in a plastic bag. I finally threw some dirt in the top of an egg carton, scattered the seeds and watered it and now I have seedlings! It took 10 days.
Keep trying!
I do... I'm still not used to living up here (I'm from Maryland) and I won't give up on melons. I get better every year, I actually had an almost basketball sized watermelon last year, although it wasn't ripe.
This year I'm getting boyfriend to build hoop houses.
Check post #1, I think I've got everyone added who said they were joining.
As far as the expensive seeds go, I did buy a few of the 10$/each seeds for myself and some for the winner of last years contest (I think it was WifeZilla?). I figure they're worth it for me - I've wanted a GIANT...
Welcome everyone! I'm glad there's some interest this year, it was fun last year... and it was great to laugh at all the mishaps that occurred, too. I think it was bearman that made compost with his vines :)
I don't have a lot of room this year for the pumpkins... last year I planted almost my...
We did this contest last year on the board, and I'd like to try it again this year.
Hopefully we can get some friendly competition going on. If there's enough interest and participation I'll even try to throw in some prizes. (2011 prize was prizewinner seeds from PEI Dill's Atlantic Giant...
Ok... no idea what's going on... but the prizes did arrive today!
I got some prizewinner seeds from Dill's...
Wifey, your choice:
2 seeds Show King Squash (parent was 836 lbs)
2 seeds Dill's Atlantic Giant (parentage 1187 lbs)
or 1 of each (squash and pumpkin)
... hopefully you'll have...
Might be a while on those prizes... they haven't even billed me for it yet. Guess there's no point in going out to check the mailbox... again. I swear I mailed it in like 6 weeks ago...
At least his rocks are small, and he can dig around them. I've got maybe an inch or two of soil in most spots then it turns to huge chunks of slate underneath. It's frustrating because there's only a few spots in my yard where I can put up my wrought iron hummingbird feeder holder.
Oh well, I...