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    Seeds So Far . . .

    I'm pretty sure you can transplant cukes. I know the local nursery's sell the starts in later spring. (I usually direct sow) I don't know about your area, but your 4' fence may not be tall enough for those pole beans. I too grow blue lake poles (love em), and here in Washington, mine grow over...
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    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    Count me in too! BYC, SS & TEG. I peek in on BYH also, but since I have no herds.....
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    Thank you Hattie :hugs you're a dear!
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    Seeds still good?

    I had seed from 1995 I planted last year and they grew. Mostly cool weather root stuff like turnips, kohlirabi, beets, carrots, etc. Only about 10% viability, but definately more than I expected. Yours should be fine and supply atleast 90% viability. If you are still unsure, try testing for...
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    How can I know if the seeds are GM?

    That would be your safest bet. You should also check out Baker Creek @ They test their seed for gmo and are against such practices and have reasonable prices.
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    Seed Lot found, any good?

    I agree too. I've had some success with seeds from 1995. DH got a bag full from a sale last year, so I tossed em in the garden not expecting anything and I was really surprised to see so much come up. There were beets, turnips, radishes, carrots, kohlirabi, green beans (asian variety). Total was...
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    Hattie you are the queen of great info links! Will you take requests??? The first site is an awesome list of herbs uses. Now if only I knew how to prepare and use them and what parts. Leaves, roots, stems vs teas, external rubs, etc. (hint, hint :D ) btw, just what is the difference between...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    :lol: that must be it! yoga pose. I always have to laugh at them when their totally ingrossed in bathing like that and end up rolling over backward, sometimes off the furniture with a thud. Then they get mad or indignant as if I pushed them. Oh if looks could kill....I'd be the new pile in the...
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    dwarf root stock?

    Thank you for the info and link, all great info :thumbsup but I did get lost in the technicals of it all. I don't mean to sound rude, so please bear with me. Maybe I should clarify my questions. Yes, I do know they are nearly all grafted to rootstocks. I just don't know to WHAT rootstock...
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    dwarf root stock?

    I've learned the hard way that pears are grafted to quince rootstock, but what about apples, plums, peaches and cherries? Any and all info is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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    Standard Vs. Dwarf Fruit Trees

    I have a mix of fruit trees.... 3 apples-gravenstein (standard), yellow transparent (semi) and red delicious (dwarf)-this one has had scab 1 pear that is dwarf 3 way (3 different pears on one rootstock)-that rootstock decided to grow and produce quince-tons of em 1 bing cherry-standard I...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    Ariel...great, I'll get them out to you just as soon as you check your messages :D
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    Hattie-I too live in a notoriously wet spot-South Puget Sound- Washington and we do get an occaisional dry summer. I figure those methods would be worth trying atleast once or with just one or two veggies as a test. I love to experiment in the garden and it's always a learning adventure. As for...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    HiD-thanks for the heads up. Maybe I'll skip the "old book" smell-and get the Vermont Cranberry bean instead-if that's okay? :P
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    Those are great ideas, thanks for posting! I just heard yesterday on the news or some show about the sunken gardens to save water and I was thinking about trying that myself this year. This is great it gives me a visual of how to do it-planting in blocks instead of rows. And I think if I also...
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    composting rhubarb leaves?

    Great Thanks for all the replies. It is something I've wondered about and now I know. Lavender-it's good to know you're still kickin :D
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    composting rhubarb leaves?

    Is this possible? I know they are supposed to be toxic/poisonous, but can they be safely tossed in the compost pile to sit for a year and the resulting compost be used in the garden for other veggies? Or would it be better to just throw them in the garbage and not take a chance of contaminating...
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    I'll try the epazote-not sure what that is, but sounds interesting
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    Seed train like on BYC?

    I've been :drool over the Baker Creek catalog and really NEED to get my $hopping list down to size....... Wifezilla-I'll take the Charentais melon (looks sooooo good) and the Canton Bok Choy...if you still have these Oberhaslikid-I guess I'll have to settle for the Rutgers, if available. since...