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  1. O

    Canning tomatoes, varieties and help!

    I haven't tried Amish Paste but I do know they are heirloom and should be great for seed saving with no trouble. According to Baker Creek description, it says they (Amish Paste) are a Roma type. I grew one Roma plant last year along with 4 Pink Brandywine, 1 Black Krim, 1 Mortgage Lifter, 2...
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    Strawberry and Onion bed love!

    I've been interested and learning about companion planting for years. Also I have a book "Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening" by Louise Riotte. There are certain naturally occuring chemicals in some plants that are beneficial (or not) to others. Like onions/garlic planted in...
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    Livingston Seed Co?

    I have aquired a bag full of these veggie seeds (thanks DH). Some are organic -the website says they are OP, NON-GMO-just as nature intended. Great these will definately be keepers cause I want to save seed. But what about the other seed pkts that are NOT organic, atleast some are OP's like...
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    Which is best for seed saving?

    I'm trying to save my own seeds to get away from purchased for many reasons including GM seeds. I do know open pollinated varieties are for saving. 1.Does the label organic and/or heirloom mean it's not been genetically modified? 2. I've seen OP type seeds, but without organic/heirloom on the...
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    Raspberries or Blackberries in...

    You could also dig a hole in the fabric to plant them deeper then the raised bed and instead of more soil & compost (weed attracters) top with a good mulch. Just my 2 cents
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    potatoes with black in the middle

    I'm not an expert, but have heard it may be some type of blight or disease. Hopefully someone better in the know will come thru with a better answer. By the way..... :welcome
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    Is food cheaper to grow?

    Anytime you first start a project it will cost you more, but once you've done it or made those initial investments your costs in later years are always much less. So fine this year your garden could cost you $1000 or more for tools like shovel or tiller and/or hoe, hose, sprinkler, seeds/starts...
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    dumb canning question

    Actually you don't have to live in the country to do canning. Even gardening can be done in the city. Whether you have a back yard for a patch or even in containers on a balcony or window box, you could grow something. I live in suburbs with only enough room for a garden and a few chickens for...
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    Okay after reading all posts, I'm kinda cornfused...I usually do companion planting to keep down on pest/disease naturally, grow more in available space, all my books and practice I've never grown peas/beans with onions. Though I do plant in and around tomatoes, cabbage family and...
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    In search of that "old timey" tasting tomato

    I keep experimenting with tomato varieties and prefer larger types. Makes easier work, I always say. I have grown... Rutgers-years ago, and will try again this next season-I don't remember how they did on my tomato scale, but if memory serves(often doesn't) I think they did well and good...
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    Deciding On Onion Varieties

    I've always had great success with bulb onions. I think I tried seeds one year and didn't get anything and was too impatient to try again. Though now and last few years, I've been experimenting with seed saving and may try onions/seeds again. This past season one of the bulbs got the seed head...
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    Starting peppers from seed

    I do that too, and also use plastic milk jugs and after the plants get going I'll also cut off the top. It still keeps in some heat and protects the plant from some bugs/slugs and helps water/fertilizer stay put where it belongs. I don't do this for the whole garden, but a few selected plants or...
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    Where do you buy your seeds?

    I too have planted seed from grocery produce and usually have good success. Last year I tried a few dry beans (navy, black and red) to test to see what would happen and they all grew and produced well. This year I'm planting more and will try wheatberries. Anytime I want to plant store bought...
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    why am I so afraid?

    Doesn't it just bring a content quiet joy to your soul? :sigh: The whole canning thing is addicting. As the number of empty jars grow, so does that needful feeling until ya just have to have another canning fix :P
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    Bread makers?

    :yuckyuck :lau me too! One of the best ways of taking out your aggressions without hurting anyone! Lesa, I've never had a problem using the same dough for loaves or rolls or sometimes both. Best of luck to ya.
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    why am I so afraid?

    I think all canning junkies are addicted to the sound. Not only that but the whole process is a gift that keeps on giving. First you aquire the food stuff, whether you grow it yourself or even purchase it. Everything looks at you with a smile saying "now whatcha gonna do with me?" And you're...
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    Tell me everything you know about...

    Bad side... 1. It's true the root systems can wreak havoc on anything remotely near it. Being shallow they can ruin concrete roads, sidewalks, building foundations, underground piping, etc 2. They can be fragile in wind storms-by that I mean broken branches or even whole trees have toppled...
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    why am I so afraid?

    *AMEN* to that. It's one of those sounds that you can recognize with your eyes closed. To hear it, you know you've acheived a tremendous feat and great satisfaction to boot.
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    what about a U pick it garden?

    Here in my area the only u-pick farm I know of anymore is for strawberries. They have a stand to sell berries already picked, and the field is across the street. They charge more for the picked berries of course, but I love to go to pick my own. Then I go home to make jam the same day. In...