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  1. wifezilla

    Seeking help once again from u garden masters !

    Google the recipe for milk spray and hit your plants with it now.
  2. wifezilla

    Bad year for rhubarb?

    About four years, so the age is right. I am just worried about them being so small. Then again rhubarb is almost impossible to kill, so I am leaning towards going ahead and doing the move.
  3. wifezilla

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    Daisy, how was the Dexter? If I had land I would so want some of those cows!
  4. wifezilla

    Bad year for rhubarb?

    My plants look tiny and sad. Usually I have rhubarb coming out of my ears by now. We had some wicked cold snaps that are unusual for this area. Could that be the reason? There are also few plants I wanted to move and divide. Should I go ahead and do it?? Or will that kill them?
  5. wifezilla

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    My cilantro plants last year made babies all over the yard, so I made a big batch of fermented salsa with serano peppers. HOT HOT HOT! :D
  6. wifezilla

    Sweet peppers already in Zone 5?!

    I have a few baby hot peppers....I am letting them go :D
  7. wifezilla


    That's kind of the point. I have animals that would greatly benefit from eating comfrey so I WANT it to spread.
  8. wifezilla

    My Sad Weekend

    I had much better luck with my cold frame starts than my indoor starts.
  9. wifezilla

    pepper plants cut off at stem

    I just had a squirrel uproot a buttercup squash plant and leave it laying on its side. I caught it before it dried out fortunately. I replanted it, then stole my son's wire mesh trashcan and put that over the plant and then put a big rock on top of the can. That should slow the evil little...
  10. wifezilla

    Sweet Potatoes growing like a vine? Should I stake them up?

    You can also fry those trimmed leaves in bacon grease and eat them yourself :)
  11. wifezilla

    10 NEW BUNRABS (new pics 2+ weeks)

    Too...much....cuteness... :th
  12. wifezilla

    What to do with this broken birdbath? Updated 6-9-11 thanks

    Man, I am sure posting on this forum next time I break something. You guys rock!!! :)
  13. wifezilla

    Sweet Potatoes growing like a vine? Should I stake them up?

    I grow mine along a chain link fence