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  1. wifezilla

    Gardens Alive catalog and COUPON

    Just got mine
  2. wifezilla

    Useful Flowers

    Nasturtium - edible and pretty Oregano - tasty and bees love the flowers Thyme - ditto Japanese Spirea - Flowering shrub that attracts bees like mad and the ducks wont eat it so there is actually foliage in their pen :D Dandelions - edible. If you don't like the taste, feed it to your critters...
  3. wifezilla

    Kitchen garden tour. TOUR DAY!! 9-3. Bring it!! I am ready.

    I feel for you girl. My garden took a pounding a few weeks back. The plants made it despite a lot of shredded leaves. The ducks never even bothered to go in their house. Morons.
  4. wifezilla

    Goosberry jam cooked too long?

    If you stir it up is it spreadable? I generally don't worry about jam being too firm. I HATE runny jam and would rather have the hard candy version. :D
  5. wifezilla

    Goosberry jam cooked too long?

    Was pectin added to this or was it just cooking it down that made it that thick?
  6. wifezilla

    Edible weed article

    I have a mac, so if there is a site you guys doubt but need info from, just let me know.
  7. wifezilla

    Yellow medium to large tomato recommendations

    Heirloom yellow pear tomatoes :drool They are a bit on the sweet side, but not overly so. Very productive. I have 2 plants and they are just now ripening. VERY tasty!
  8. wifezilla

    Cherokee Purple - Normal size?

    Which explains why they split on me. 100 during the day and only 60 at night will do that.
  9. wifezilla

    Cherokee Purple - Normal size?

    Looks a little bigger than the ones I grew last year, but not by a whole lot. Mine kept splitting too so I didn't plant any this year.
  10. wifezilla

    That takes the cake (Disease pics on post #10)

    Last year I ordered black cherry tomatoes. I ended up with black plum seeds in the black cherry packet. I thought my tomatoes had some weird disease when they came out all funny shaped! :D
  11. wifezilla

    cattails for soggy ditch

    Clumping bamboo?
  12. wifezilla

    Fall planting Zone 5

    Thanks for the tips Steve. Since you are fighting a lot of the same weird weather I am, it does cheer me up a bit knowing you have gotten fall pea crops.
  13. wifezilla

    Fall planting Zone 5

    I am taking all of the pea seeds I still have in my stash and planting those. If I don't get a fall crop, I am giving up on peas all together. The weather here is so weird, spring planting peas has been a disaster and they don't stand a chance in summer. I am also going to grow some little round...
  14. wifezilla


    Even if you are not a mushroom fan, when it is blended with other ingredients, it builds flavor. I would try halving the mushrooms but still using them, and maybe replacing some of that water with chicken stock or red wine.
  15. wifezilla


    I encourage it to spread. It makes a good ground cover. The ducks gobble it up. It's one of their favorite greens.
  16. wifezilla

    Kale Chips

    Glad you guys are liking these. I overcooked my last batch and it was a little bitter. Not bad enough to toss though. Yeah..ate em all :D :gig
  17. wifezilla


    You have purslane! It grows like mad here. I eat it and I feed it to the ducks too. I just had some quiche I made with purslane, lamb's quarter's leaves, mushrooms, sweet potato leaves and onion with pepper jack cheese. Mmmmmmmmmmm! The plant it looks like is spurge. But spurge does not have...